We're so focused on the finish line that we've forgotten the path in front of us. Like the sci-fi trope warning technology does not solve social problems, and social problems are what doom us NOW.
@jon In Canada, we're literally beholden to tax preparation companies. They built an entire economy around this unnecessary work, and now the government maintains the redundancy at everyone's expense & annoyance.
If you're not too concerned with the monetization aspects and into something clean & barebones, you could also consider #writeFreely (I use this myself).
@rooftopjaxx@aral I'd say make an appeal to your followers, members, etc. Spell out why you don't want your organisation to be affiliated with or support muskcorp. Make them feel it. Give them a better place to go - pick a server and explain how to get there.
Better still run your own server for them! If you feel the need to sweeten the pot a bit, point out that their handles will be @whomever@myclub.com. That's way cooler than just a generic twitter url.
Help is out there if you or your organisation are wanting to transition off of dangerous and socially irresponsible (and sometimes downright evil) corporate web services! Regain autonomy of your data, and stop supporting #capitalistDestruction at the same time!
We can help you transition away from:
- Substack - Twitter - Facebook/Instagram - Dropbox, iCloud, etc - Amazon/Audible - Google - Almost anything else!
You're in the right place already! Just pop up your hand and let us know what you need!
> [...] The general public is usually marginal to the policymaking process. In practice, that process is typically dominated by powerful industries and state institutions that exercise preponderant influence over both government and media. This asymmetry is especially well documented in the case of the United States but is also true, to varying extents, of all capitalist societies.
I LOVE that phrase: "preponderant influence". Well said.
I'm several decades familiar with many, many programming languages, but have about a half-dozen that I'd consider *daily driver* languages. #python is not one of them.
I'm writing a lil' thing in #py, and have to keep looking up what modules to include for basic things... and every single time, the answer is exactly what I would have intuited.
"What would I call my datetime module if I were me? I'd call it *datetime*." It's *datetime*.
"If I wanted today's date, I'd want 'date.today()'". Yup.
I guess that's why it's so widely recommended as a starter language. Not starter because it's lacks advanced features, but because it lacks unnecessary confusion!
How about if these business owners remember that these "homeless" ARE THEM! It's their former neighbours, grocers, teachers, children - and their current community members and fellow human beings.
Homeless people are fucking people! They need somewhere to not freeze to death, just like you demand, in your vacant hotel.
I got carried away creating #mastodon#bots to fill in the missed presence of our municipal and provincial services which still post to Twitter like it's 2009, but aren't on the #fediverse.
After 5, I decided to make a quick tool to rapidly spin up bots based on a template and create a systemd service/timer to run it.
I wrote a little tutorial to go along with the code, in case anyone else is looking for a speedy way to generate basic bots quickly w/ PHP.