"The first criterion of loyalty to the organization becomes complicity. Career advancement is not based on merit, and not even based necessarily on being someone’s cousin; above all, it’s based on a willingness to play along with the fiction that career advancement is based on merit, even though everyone knows this not to be true."
@ntnsndr I want to talk to you over a hangout for 15-30 minutes about governance of scientific nomenclature. Would you be up for that? I think you'd learn some stuff, and I think you could help me too.
@ntnsndr I hear that! The difference is the lack of the original custodians of the land.
I agree that, as another way of demanding attention, it continues to be a tool of colonialization. I just argue that it is another tool itself, not an incursion on native land.
"Governable spaces must calibrate what they expect of people to a condition of metagovernance, of traversing multiple, plural governance environments in a way that is sustainable, tolerable, and comprehensible."
I think this requires higher policy changes between platforms, depending on the space. I think we've seen this sort of result come from cultural movements. CoCs spring to mind.
Open source, #birds and #birding, #Latin, #languages #linguistics and #conlangs, hiking and mountaineering, travel and politics.- Interim ED of the GNOME Foundation @gnome- Co-Organizer of CURIOSS and SustainOSS @sustainoss.- PhD student at Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington in Pōneke Wellington, Aotearoa NZHe/him. #OpenScience #openAccess #birding