russia is fucked in Kursk. UA can use manouver-brigades but russia can't. UA is massively using drones for protection and scouting. They will seize a large chunk of Kursk and Putin will have to react to that. Damned if he do and damned if he don't.
If Kerch bridge also goes Putin is in a bad political situation.
@VikingChieftain@hanse_mina 'Stop the sanctions, they are not working! They only hurt ordinary people.' - Traded for russian oppositionals. They are all well pleased having a go at Ukraine.
@tofugolem@ChrisO_wiki Putins guys are not well versed outside stealing and selling oil products. The more intelligent ones stole and sold metallurgy products. After that you can steal other companies but then you have to buy shit and add value. Too complicated for the thugs.
They are stuck with people that have no clue about running complex businesses even less running societies. Blowing the dam looked like a good idea at the moment, in a narrow perspective. Truly orcs.
@VikingChieftain The owners lost their plants eventually. The whole faćade is falling down. I doubt that russia will survive this. China will grab land within a decade, ceceding civil war without jets and troops to crush unrest.
The checen war will look like a holliday in Crimea. Bidens ambition for rusdia not to collapse looks like a folly to me. Even if russia was welcome back internationally their oil and gas industries are collapsing.
The clowns can not make spare parts but they can forge documents and get away with it. Voilá 5 grounded transport planes perhaps in need of more repairs.
@VikingChieftain At the very best they will be back in the 50s WITHOUT capital to lift them up.
Look at all the investment that foreign companies have made since the 90s. Stolen by Putin at any second on a whim. No airplane company will go there after theft of Boeing and Airbus leased planes.
From what I read somewhere Siberian oilfields are in danger of shutting down. To start them up again takes years at best.
@georgetakei In swedish we have a word for her type. 'Rättshaverist'. Person obsessed with obtaining justice is an objective translation, but in swedish it is also equated to a maniac.