@a1ba@suya.place hey~ what happened to husky? o.o I just went to install it, but noticed that you were not maintaining it anymore. I haven't been in the loop on fedi for a couple of years, apologize for my ignorance.
@lain@lain.com someone has to run on a platform of "medieval castle for every american" they will get all votes and blow all other political parties out of the murky mud they're in.
@lain@lain.com 10 years later, the average is 4 years later... isn't that the opposite then? houses are getting older, because as time goes forward, their average building year is lagging behind? im confus.
@LukeAlmighty@gameliberty.club Too many people, unfortunately, felt so little love and support that the idea of hope and kindness is fantasy fiction to them. It's scary really. On the other hand, people don't realize how low the barrier to helping others is. The standards are so low that the smallest act of help can be shocking and life-changing to many.
@queenofhatred@akko.wtf@lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me I wonder sometimes, there's Zen in archery, Zen in blacksmithing, Zen in meditation, what Zen is there in programming? What would it look like for a Zen master to practice Zen programming? Offline hacking on C or Lisp might be a start.
@lain@lain.com@sun@shitposter.world Had they been more cooperative and social, they would probably be on the main social networks, because their desire for cohesion would override their privacy / security / freedom / seclusion natures; getting along above all else.
@pwm@darkdork.dev The routing table tells the OS where to send a packet depending on the address it's meant to. It does something similar to zip codes in postage. For example, if you have a packet meant for Google's IP, the routing table may tell your OS to send the packet not to Google's IP, but actually to your WiFi router's IP. Thus, the routing table basically helps you delegate the actual delivery of a TCP/IP packet to some other network actor that actually knows what to do next.
I may want for example all my packets meant for the internet to go instead to my VPN server, because my VPN server will handle further delivery. So, I may set my VPN server's private IP as the default gateway in my routing table. But maybe I want to use some local network stuff, and my VPN server wouldn't know how to handle my local server, so my routing table would set my local router to be the destination if the packets are meant for local network IPs, I may have some work network that is handled by a different VPN, so work IPs get routed through that other VPN server, etc.
For your packet to reach its final destination, it is likely being routed by a dozen routers between you and your target server. Each of those intermediate servers is consulting its routing table to decide where to send the packet next, until, finally, the packet reaches a server that has Google's actual IP address in its routing table (think final postman when sending cargo). You can see this happening in real-time using software tools like "traceroute".
@finnsend@social.anoxinon.de@sun@shitposter.world I think Facebook is too complicated. LinkedIn made my head spin when I tried it. I think self-hosting my fedi instance wasn't much harder than "learning Facebook", or the half-a-dozen local product delivery service in my country. The bigger barrier is just the network effect, I think. There are a few dozen peers around my mom to teach her Facebook, there are near-zero to teach her about the Fedi.
But perhaps it is better that way. When are we going to learn our lesson, and stop repeating the massacre of the Eternal September?
@sun@shitposter.world@ageha@tomo.airen-no-jikken.icu@lain@lain.com Trying multiple LLMs, I faced dozens of syntax errors, when working with a C code-base that uses Vulkan, a graphics API commonly used with C++. The LLM kept confusing C and C++ syntax, sometimes writing stuff that doesn't make sense in either languages. So a grammar limit would possibly be helpful. But many programming language cannot be correctly specified, C++ being an infamous example, due to templates.
Lots of Antlr grammars for many languages are here, might be interesting, but I have no direct experience with them: https://github.com/antlr/grammars-v4
@kaia@brotka.st@privateger@plasmatrap.com@lain@lain.com I have a cron-job to do the RSS updates every 6 hours or so, but I don't send email notifications because I prefer less distraction, not more. I like my dose of content to be "pull" and not "push". I have an alias uy in terminal to show me what's new when I want to.
I have other subscriptions which are important, using the same system, some to RSS feeds, some to web pages (the script has pluggable "handlers"), work-related stuff, or for security announcements regarding packages I maintain, etc. Such notifications appear in my terminal whenever I open a new terminal, or GNU screen window.
As a Mediterranean guy, doing a vegan keto diet, I put olive oil in everything, every day, it's my main source of energy. I even love drinking it directly sometimes, with some pepper mint and a squeeze of lemon or apple cider vinegar.
@kaia@brotka.st@privateger@plasmatrap.com@lain@lain.com I used to self-host Invidious and Piped (backend and frontend), got tired of it breaking all the time. Now I just RSS YT channels in a shell script through a VPN, download the XML with curl, transform to simple tab-separated one-per-line records using xsltproc, store in plain text files, and then have a separate "client" bash script that lists the unwatched vid names and links with numbers. I type the number press return, it plays the video with yt-dlp/mpv, and moves the video's line from the "new" file to the "old" file.
@georgia@netzsphaere.xyz God bless grandma. In my home culture, showering once or twice a week is what we all do; no one calls you stinky if you smell like a human, heck we don't even notice the smell. I later in life learned that westerners shower every day, and many get weirded out by the tiniest smell of human. Although, meeting some American friends, I did notice that their bodies made a different and much stronger body odor faster than others around me, but I still didn't mind much.
Interesting... How much did you spend on tokens for that, I'm curious.
I can't seem to get my LLMs to do anything right, like an OpenXR Vulkan VR example that works (even after more than a dozen back and forths), or a correct safe implementation of an encrypting file chunker with content-defined chunking as part of a backup system (it misses the most obvious security issues with the encryption, and never got the chunking correct), or heck, even a snake game in SDL is a bit too much most of the time; they write it, but there's always something about it that makes it not a correct snake game. I tried half a dozen self-hosted ~14b LLMs that are coding-specialized, I tried OpenAI's GPT-4o, and DeepSeek's R1 deep thinking, it was a miserable experience in all cases.
Not sure if I just haven't used "the right" AI, or if asking them to write C is just too much, or what...
The same thing that makes forth useful as a control language, and easy to implement; immediate execution upon encountering a word. You see it, you do it, no waiting, no deferring, no keep reading before you decide. Store 3, store 5, add them. Run forward, turn right, remember target, aim, shoot.
dc ++ it's my main calculator when I need one. Sometimes I use Emacs calc, which is also an RPN stack calculator.
@TheMadPirate@detroitriotcity.com@dsm@clew.lol@p@fsebugoutzone.org maybe I'm brain damaged, but both polish notation, a la lisp, and reverse polish notation, forth, feel more natural to me than the C-like functions, and lord god help the OOP style of I'm going to put the first argument before a period, then the rest of the args in parens after (arg1.myfunc(arg2, arg3)), which is the most mind boggling convoluted solution to the problem of "I want to group some functions by the data types they act upon".