@Tati Sou leigo em carros modernos mas agora as baterias tem “programação” ? É programar o fio vermelho no “+” e programar o fio preto no “-“ ou vem com chipe ?
@GossiTheDog Same . But then I know I’d come back post secretly as a new persona. I mean money allows you to do a lot of stuff but you can also get bored pretty fast.
About #Trump’s attack: On September 6 2018 Bolsonaro suffered from a knife attack. On October 28 he was elected as president of Brasil. Before the knife attack he had 20% of vote intentions. After that it jumped to 26%. Martyr effect.
Many people from the other side think it was staged. I don’t know that but it surely contributed to his victory.
@GossiTheDog “ ‘ I’m extremely dismayed, disappointed and disillusioned to hear that the U.S. government would do that,’ said Lucey, a former military physician who assisted in the response to the 2001 anthrax attacks.”
When I read this , I remember people in the military are often just like people under a guru’s influence in a sect. “Oh no, he would never do that. Sure, the purification room has a gallon of lube but it’s for soul cleaning purpose. The Illuminated understand.”
@thomasfuchs History moves on several axes at the same time. Some of them backwards at times. I think it’s sane to pick from each period some specific items and trash the rest.
One can get inspired by 1950’s design furniture and not wish to go back to such dark times for minorities.
In terms of computing retro doesn’t always mean going back to the 80s but trying to rebuild some human joy that existed in the tech itself before advertising and A.I. took hold. Neo-retro as some say
@GrantMeStrength Under actual communism — something never seen on this planet so far — production would be based on human needs instead of profit.
So yes it would actually help to reduce pollution considering most of what we produce today is going to the trash as soon as it stops making dividends.
« Running on a special machine » a dual pentium 266 Mhz (hardware released in 1996).
So yeah when I see software is generally sluggish on our cheap quad core 1+ GHz boards I come to the conclusion we’re doing something wrong as a species. Sure they didn’t play 4k videos back then but after 30 years I’d expect a bit more.
@GossiTheDog Same here but I don’t have other users (except bots). Heard so many horror stories about this. Not all moderations decisions ar easy.
My instance uses my own family name and all I fear would be someone from my family asking for an account and then being responsible for what they say / do.
@edasfr Je ne comprends pas les gens qui pensent que ça n’est pas un problème de perdre les boulots médiocres à la faveur de l’A.I. et qu’il suffirait d’être meilleur.
Non seulement ça va réduire le revenu de la majorité qui fait du boulot passable mais même les meilleurs dans leur domaines perdront une partie significative de leur gagne pain. Beaucoup de grands auteurs s’alimentaient de piges dans les journaux et le même principe s’appliquait à beaucoup de domaines.
Notably the following excerpt can mean a lot today, especially to readers in Brazil. Things are less random and organic than they may seem:
“In the days of the buffalo hunt frenzy, U.S. Army Colonel Richard Irving Dodge said, "kill every buffalo you can. Every Buffalo Dead is an Indian gone literally overnight." “
@thomasfuchs@sundogplanets That’s a question that always intrigued me. How did people arrive there and most of all… why did they stay.
I mean it hit me personally when I moved to Rio de Janeiro from Switzerland. There are obviously dozens of other considerations as Brazil is a very cruel country in terms of society / humanity but in terms of nature / weather I can’t imagine anyone would prefer to live in cold and dark for 8 months a year. I know many say they do 🤷🏻♂️
:xcode: iOS app developer at :smalltech: smallte.ch, living in RJ 🇧🇷, born in 🇨🇭. I am a migrant ❤️- :apple_inc: code :haiku: :haikubox:- :procreate: arts- :commodore: #retrocomputing- :amiga: demo scene- :homeassistant: home automation- :rpi: :arduino: Pi, Arduino, ESP32 & electronics :anAmigaBall: : Cookie / Asphyxia #demoscene:deadbirb: : was @blackjack75 Ala Suíça 🇨🇭 da Ursal 🐻or as some say :fcknzs:. #NoBridgeMade https://butwhy.club✍️ : FR 🇫🇷, PT 🇧🇷, ES 🇪🇸, EN 🇬🇧