Yeah the graphics and art direction of MH:Wilds are as unimpressive as its performance is atrocious. Doesn't look good, doesn't run good. What the hell were they thinking?
Don't doubt it is. How about you make a sitewide poll on how much users here would be willing to pledge monthly for AI? And another one for which features they would use it for most?
Well, at least for me, unless you can make it work very cost effective like by utilizing a high performance, low resource open source model like Deep Seek, it'll probably not be worth it.
If the current, rather limited userbase of NCD can barely muster enough donations reliably to pay for keeping the site running as is, i doubt the disposable income is there to finance a costly AI feature.
Unless you find a way to use it commercially in a way that makes it self sustaining without being reliant on commuinity financing. I mean, there are quite a few creatives here who could profit from a good generative AI, provided its performance is actually decent enough for the job. Which probably won't be easy.
Besides that, i personally prefer to keep AI as far out of my life as possible. That shit isn't gonna end well for humanity if allowed to proliferate much further methinks.
I think he'll actually pull through with this. At least considerably reduce US military presence in Europe and have its NATO members shoulder more financial responsibility for their own defense. Which they won't be able to do, thus weakening and exposing Europe to Russia, which now sees the EU/NATO as an existantial threat and strategic enemy it'll have to deal with decisively eventually. European nations will have to choose between keeping up their social and retirement systems or expanding their militaries to fill the vacuum left by the US withdrawal. Which will lead to mass impoverishment, economic distress and widespread societal destabilization of the EU, while still being unable to create an effective defensive military infrastructure.
Which will lead to WW3 by Russia invading a weak and ailing Europe with its modernized army before the end of this decade, as long as it still has the necessary demographics for it.
Frees up more money and military potential to give to Israel or fight Iran with. I guarantee you that most of the money savings Trump is trying to do by cutting all that government waste and shutting down the Democrat gravy train via DOGE, happens mostly only to redirect more of that money towards the Greater Israel project. American citizens may get some minor tax reductions out of it so they're more motivated to fight for Israel.
Literally every single thing Trump does must be scrutinized under the premise of how it benefits Israel or world jewry first and foremost.
But they are spiteful mutants who delight in ruining other people's fun and creations and humiliating those they consider their enemies. They dont respect any boundaries and cannot control their destructive, vindictive urges. So it was always gonna come to this eventually.
Don't you worry, the peoples of Europe will survive and thrive again. Not all of them though.
But this current process of managed demographic decline and foreign mass colonization is only a temporal phenomenon, it will not persist for much longer and most of its detrimental consequences will be reversed via extreme measures very soon.
Europe has gone through multiple mass death events, losing as much as a third of its total population in a short timespan repeatedly.
And it has always recovered and arisen from it strengthened. This time will be no different.
I concur that Europe's and White America's demographic fates would be sealed if the current course was allowed to continue unabated for just a few more decades. But it won't. There will soon be a major global disruptive event which will completely upend the current civilizational world order and reshape everything. And in the wake of this cataclysmic chaos and mass death that comes with it, White people around the world will finally be free to wage unrestricted war upon their enemies and bought traitors again, to purge their own ranks and ancestral homelands reclaiming their birthright from the foreign (((ursurpers))) and their pets.
Because global mass migration will soon cease together with the complete disruption of all global trade. And with the violent fall of the current globalist liberal-democratic republican order in war, economic collapse and strife, prompting a return to more natural and traditional monarchic forms of government supported by faith and blood, (especially in Europe) no laws or authorities will hold Whites back to do what needs to be done any longer.
The whole nightmare will be over rather quickly once the collective political will for it is mustered and ethical restraints are broken. We see the first stirrings of it today already. And it will only grow exponentially as the times get worse and worse over the next few years until the violent end of this current age.
Perhaps less than half of all Whites currently alive will make it through it all, but those who do will be more than sufficient to rebuild and repopulate. And even in its current diminished state, the White man still is the supreme warrior among the races and will NEVER be subjugated in open combat, except by other Whites.
But the billions of non-Whites all over the world outnumbering us will suffer far greater losses, as the survival of billions of them are dependent on the products of the genius of the White man, modern infrastructure provided by him and international supply chains to upkeep it. Of which they will soon be deprived entirely, meaning that for those who survive the initial disruptive mass death event, starvation, sickness and mutual predation will reduce their numbers to more natural, pre-industrial levels especially in Africa and Asia.
Make no mistake: the future world to come after this current one has ended in tragedy will belong to the White man again, led by the Germanics. Whose leadership and supreme dominion will be unchallenged by the other races for a thousand years!
Those of us who will make it through what's to come have the sacred duty to make sure of it! \o So keep the faith and hope. Things may look exceedingly bleak right now and will get worse still until it gets better again. But it WILL get better eventually and our people WILL survive! Because nobody is better at survival in extreme circumstances or bouncing back from catastrophe than Whites! It just takes some severe pressure, deprivation and suffering until the White heroic warrior spirit and survival instinct is reignited from its decadent civilized stupor to overcome any threat or hurdles put before it.
At least not all of us will see that world come to pass. Many of us will perish in its throes and their aftermath. At least a third. Regionally maybe more. And of those who survive the tribulations, half will lose their minds in the ordeal. Just can't deal with the radical and terrifying changes the world will undergo at all. The sheer amount of death and destruction everywhere, the loss of most modern amenities and safeties people tend to rely on. No more medication or stimulants to keep those inner demons at bay. Might have to be institutionalized or put out of their misery. Can't really feed or care for that many crazies. Most will probably just starve, off themselves or go feral.
But for those who do and still have the capacity for it, there'll be plenty of opportunity and need for righteous, corrective ultra violence.
In fact, the warrior and protector will be in high demand everywhere in these times and held in high honors. And there'll be plenty of grim work for them.
It'll be a time for heroes, adventurers and pioneers again until the world has regained its footing and civilization has been rebuilt from the ashes of the old.
I can tell you how this ends. In about 4 years. Permanently. For everyone. No more internet, no more computers, no more tech stuff. Just 18th century pre-industrial level survival of a vastly reduced global population. This digital age is about to come to a grim end as higher powers push the reset button on this fallen civilization gone awry. And before that comes a global economic depression/collapse that'll make the one of 100 years ago look like a relaxed walk in the park in comparison. WW3 is already in full swing btw, in case you haven't noticed. It'll go hot and nuclear eventually. Trump will not be a peaced candidate and likely not survive to the end of his term.
And quite frankly, that's the best possible outcome. Because you don't really wanna live in the world that would come to be if things just continued as they are now for another decade or two. Because uncle Ted was right!
Go and try to build a career/business all you like. But it'll all come to naught soon either way. Even the super rich will lose everything. If i were you, I'd rather polish up my survival and handicrafts skills. Without reliance on modern gear and power tools.
The most valuable posession you could have is a reliable group/community of capable people you can call upon in times of need when SHTF. Focus on that before all else if you don't have it already. Although survival of what's coming will be more a question of pure luck and location.
The infamous White supremacist sports drink of choice!Contains 100% of all the electrolytes and racisms a fren needs!Gab refugee where the hypocrite Torba blocked me and now his pathetic echo chamber is dying because of it.Help me find my frens!