@alex there've been bot-related costs and malicious traffic for as long as i can remember, but this feels like it's intensified massively everywhere. it gets harder and harder to imagine a network where public-by-default keeps being a viable approach.
"goin' where the weather suits my clothes" but really it's just waiting for the brief windows of time where it's actually wintery where i live so i can wear 3/4 of the things i own
ok so i currently follow people who are extremely into: birds, bugs, fountain pens, old computers, weird computers, weird computer languages, sailboats, poems, trains, bicycles, gender fuckery, cartoon animals, weather, radio, disaster response and analysis, fiber arts, rpgs, drugs, movies. you know, the usual stuff.
so what else you got, fediverse? i'm looking for some special interests i don't currently see anybody going way over the top on.
@m455@technomancy@aw rST _seems_ like a nice design, but in practice i had to placate sphinx for a while and i'm never going to touch it again if i can help it.
@technomancy@huertanix "ignoring this bullshit until it's supplanted by some other bullshit" has its limitations, but it's clearly one of the most durable strategies in technology if you can afford the timeframe.
@technomancy@robey "look, we're not google! (plz ignore megacorporation behind the curtain)" has had more legs as a business plan than i would really have expected.
@checkervest this piece of string walks into a bar, tries to order a drink.
the bartender just looks at him and goes "we don't serve your kind in here."
piece of string walks out to the alley behind the bar, rolls around on the ground, gets real messed up, frizzy bits of string sticking all over the place, goes back into the bar and orders a drink
bartender squints at the string and says "aren't you that piece of string who just tried to order a minute ago?"
@srol the thought just now that if i could somehow add up the wasted $billions and years of person-time due to this alone, i'd find that slack is in fact a faithful ally on the war against the tech industry actually doing anything.
tangential to my earlier ranting about matrix, it's similarly too bad that the energy and resources that have gone into creating a gitlab didn't instead build something that was a) actually open, and b) in any way fit for purpose.
@djsundog i know there are people getting some value out of it, but my entire experience of matrix + all the meta around it have led to me placing it firmly in the "this thing is a large part of why we lack a better solution to the problem space it allegedly addresses" column.