@soapdog ouuu didn't know you got into chicken scheme at some point! :DDD
ouu gona have to check out mithril and enyo just because you like it haha
@soapdog ouuu didn't know you got into chicken scheme at some point! :DDD
ouu gona have to check out mithril and enyo just because you like it haha
@soapdog oof yeah python def isnt me. i cannot do OOP programming, mostly because i havent tried lol, but all the "self", the "this" throws me off, especially with how u need to specify "this"/"self" as a parameter in a object/method definition even tho you arent doing a function call with like function(self, args) lol
i think my favs are fennel (usually with lume.lua pulled it) and chicken scheme (love the static binaries!) and racket (ease of installing libraries and huge batteries included)
@soapdog my latest non lisp love has been elixir tho!! i reallllly like it.
it looks just like ruby but doesnt use OOP and doesnt let u mutate (which is fun)
it has realy nice destructuring too: https://codeberg.org/m455/blep/src/branch/main/blep.exs#L109
it fit my brain well coming from clojure and racket/scheme where i basically never use mutations like set! etc. and just do it all through parameters and recursion or local/let-esque bindings
@soapdog sorry for all the replies lol, im in an okay mood this morning (though my stomach feels funny but i think its cause im hungry lol), but what JS stack do you usually prefer?
browser api-only javascript has been appealing to me the last couple of years, just using whatever works in the browser without going through a whole build and install of some framework or new javascript-based project to write javascript
@soapdog @VeilidNetwork @spritely awww dang thats ok! whats your preferred stack nowadays? i always loved your lua and racket vibes back in the ssb and gemini posts and shit :D
@soapdog i really wanna dig into @VeilidNetwork and maybe see if i can get some fun little chat thing going with something i can find on the @spritely website 😁
miss hangin out with you and your coffee pics on ssb tho!
@cwebber @bnewbold sorry for the long ridiculous reply in retrospect--my meds are most effective in the morning and it's the small fraction of the day where i dont get too much brain noise and things are clear, so im able to actually express what i mean coherently lol
@cwebber @bnewbold i think stating upfront that you are trying to be kind and objective in your technical analysis, before your technical analysis, is important, because its so easy for readers to take things personally when you arent intending to do that.
it's also great for your mental health, where if someone does give u an earful, its kind of on them to realize that you put in an effort to try and be kind, and that you even considered it in the first place.
seamonkeyyyy its a browser, detects rss feeds, built-in irc client, built-in full-on htmt editor, mail and newsgroups client:
@technomancy @aw oh gosh i work in restructuredtext every day for work and i hate it haha.
one thing i opted in for is my own very markdown-like markup language that i purposed made easier to parse, leaving the hard-to-parse parts out, or making an easier markup for those or not making something able to have infinitely arbitrarily nested markup, such as lists
that way,i can just copy the algorithm i used to parse it to a other language relatively easy
@pho4cexa cc @dozens if you dont already know this tip, cause i think you like m4 haha
one thing that's really annoying about C is how you have some things that require pointer arithmetic that return, say, an int type, while you needing to iterate over character arrays using size_t or something, and then needing to sometimes do arithmetic with two types or comparison of < or >, and strict compilers telling you it's a no no to compare different types. it's like how the heck are you supposed to traverse strings at calculated indexes nicely lol
if you can't tell i'm slightly getting annoyed at C about this because i like doing a lot of string manipulation
@aw @neauoire if you like ruby you may also like elixir! super similar syntax. ive been really enjoying elixir lately! (minus the do...end stuff that i have trouble keeping track of in comparison to braces, brackets or parentheses)
@SpindleyQ this is such gold to me!! gonna save some of these temporarily to internalize what u wrote to learn a bit more but im def gonna jump into assembly then, i guess for my intel laptop which would probably use x86_64 bit assembly
@technomancy ouuu neat
omg clojerl exists
working on my own lisp has made me happy that there are actually not shitty lisps available that don't break shit and can be used to build amazing things lol
keep thinking about my "public mentions/messages over rss" idea ive had for a while where i have an html page containing a list of links.
each link title text is a friend's desired nickname, told through email or irc or something. the link url is a link to an their-nickname.rss which just contains messages u sent to them, so they can subscribe to that url pointing to the rss file
starting to wonder if i should just cheat and get all of the (def symbol value) statements from my shitty lisp implementation and then start evaluating so i dont have to think about carrying over the hashmap of functions defined by user in each tuple returned by each recursion haha. or even just store them in a file during runtime and update that file every time a new definition is made hahaha. this feels like cheating or avoiding the whole "dont mutate globals" because you cant in elixir
he/theyhttps://m455.casa/i like computer programming, personal websites, and non-corporate digital communitiesi like rolling my own things so that i can roll my own things in the things that i rolledmy posts are automatically deleted after 14 days, and i reject most follow requests. dont take it personally. been on the fediverse since 2017!
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