What nobody is talking about yet is how badly this will damage our already frayed relations with our major allies, who will be rightfully horrified of sharing any sensitive intelligence with a bunch of bumbling nitwits sending thumbs-up emojis.
@tek That was also one of the most aggravating parts, because Novell produced the contract early on and IMO should have been granted summary judgement.
That loser (no really, he lost every case) set back the whole industry by several years when he tried to poison the reputation of Linux and Free Software. I shudder to imagine my career arc if he’d succeeded in destroying it.
I like some parades, which dates back to being friends with school band members in junior high and high school. But I would very much dislike the parade @ajroach42 described.
@jeffcliff I got a good laugh out of that other guy calling you a Putinoid because he can’t acknowledge that even some on the left are not satisfied with the current US administration.
That doesn’t have to mean that you support the other US #Twin_Parties candidate, especially as a foreigner.
@mattg Sounds good in theory, but in practice, many high managers can’t accept any organizational criticism from employees. Speaking plainly about such issues is a quick route to the unemployment line.
The latest Risky Business episode on Recall is good, but one small correction - it doesn’t need SYSTEM rights.
Here’s a video of two MSFT employees gaining access to the Recall database folder - with SQLite database right there. Watch their hacking skills. (You don’t need to go this length as an attacker, either). Cc @riskybusiness
@foo From what I saw, the Walmart self checkout lines took just as long to get through because most people needed assistance from the single employee. But the Target self checkout lines were even worse. I used to go through a full service line and be leaving before some of the customers who were already waiting in the self checkout line before I got in line.
nobot #nobots #yestipbotsThis and @lnxw48a1@nu.federati.net are my main accounts ... I also used to use @zordon@mastodon.social*** If you request to follow, make sure you have already filled out your profile and have posted some notices. INTERACT BEFORE FOLLOWING. I am rejecting BOTS and bot-alikes. ***A GNU+Linux bearing nomad migrating across a Windows-centric desert. I save the world from incompetent headquarters IT folks. I invite comment and discussion, but I dislike arguing .