What pains me the most is the shameless exploitation of somebody who is in extreme trouble and needs your help.
Zelenskyy being forced to endure this bullying, for the sake of Ukraine, is unacceptable.
What pains me the most is the shameless exploitation of somebody who is in extreme trouble and needs your help.
Zelenskyy being forced to endure this bullying, for the sake of Ukraine, is unacceptable.
Fedilab on F-Droid is still v3.28.2, which is 2 versions behind, and dates 2024-03-28.
When you use mathematical bold caps in your posts, you make it inaccessible to #ScreenReaders.
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs #UN #OCHA periodical update on #Gaza:
At least 48,219 Palestinians #killed by now, including¹ at least 13,319 #children (786 younger than 1 year), and 7.216 #women
Currently no updated numbers on levels of food insecurity.
1.1 million cases of acute respiratory infections; 669,000 cases of acute watery diarrhea; 225,000 cases of skin diseases; 132,000 cases of acute jaundice syndrome²
1.875 million people in need of emergency shelters. About 945,000 of them need winterization support.
About 92% of all #housing units either destroyed (160,000) or damaged (276,000)
¹no update since Oct 20th
²no update since Oct 17th
"Weißt Du, in welches #Lager sie uns bringen?"
"Nee, ich interessiere mich nicht so für #Politik."
Erfreulicher weise ist auch #Deutschland dabei, dafür danke, @Bundesregierung:
»In einer gemeinsamen Erklärung haben 79 Staaten die von US-Präsident Donald Trump angeordneten Sanktionen gegen den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof (#IStGH) kritisiert. Die Länder versicherten dem Gericht ihre volle Unterstützung und warnten vor Versuchen, seine "Unabhängigkeit, Integrität und Unparteilichkeit zu untergraben". Sie würden alles tun, um die Fortsetzung der Arbeit des Gerichts zu gewährleisten. Es sei eine "unverzichtbare Säule der internationalen #Rechtsordnung".«
Zusätzlich kann man sich auch Karl #Lauterbach im Original anhören, von was er so begeistert schwärmt, im Kreise von IT-Verantwortlichen:
Was in #Gaza jetzt ans Licht kommt:
»Die palästinensischen Gesundheitsbehörden gehen von 10.000 Vermissten aus. Wo es keine offensichtlichen Anzeichen wie herumliegende Kleidung gibt, sind die Suchteams auf Informationen von Verwandten und Nachbarn angewiesen, oder sie folgen dem Geruch des Todes, den die Ruinen ausströmen. […]
„#Aya war ein sehr freundliches Mädchen, und alle liebten sie. Sie liebte alle, ihre Lehrer und den Unterricht, sie war sehr gut in der Schule. Sie wollte für jeden das Beste“, sagt Lina. Als der Waffenstillstand kam, bat Lina Verwandte, die noch im Norden lebten, nach Ayas Grab zu sehen.[…]
"Man sagte uns, dass ihr Kopf an einer Stelle lag, ihre Beine an einer anderen und ihre Rippen an einer anderen Stelle. Der, der nach ihr sah, war schockiert und schickte uns die Bilder“, sagt sie.
„Als ich sie sah, konnte ich nicht verstehen, wieso meine Tochter aus dem Grab geholt wurde, wieso die Hunde sie fraßen. Ich kann meine Nerven nicht mehr beruhigen.“«
And in the many days before today, thousands of #children in #Gaza have gone silent, too, forever.
Go to hell, #GenocideJoe.
I'm getting tired of pompous "initiatives", "foundations", and "movements" trying to funnel folks (or their money) from the #Fediverse into #BlueSky, after their attempts at opening the gates for #Meta's #Threads were rewarded by #Zuckerberg with another "dumb fucks", straight to their faces.
Here's relieving news: you don't need to be granted absolution. Just dwell BlueSky and be happy.
No need to pretend you were anti-#billionaire revolutionaries now, after kissing their rings didn't end well, for you.
No need to pretend you were interested in #decentralization, sort of, maybe.
No need to ask for #donations so you can underpin your self-delusion by throwing millions of dollars at meaningless, pro-forma infrastructure elements.
No need for your Potemkin villages showcasing "founders" and "boards", as if the same old handful of serial proselytizers were actually spearheading millions.
Worüber man eher wenig in #Welt oder #BILD lesen wird:
#Yad2, ein israelisches Anzeigenportal auch mit tausenden bezahlten und unbezahlten Inseraten für Immobilien im #Westjordanland, gehört #AxelSpringer.
Das Portal inseriert auch in israelischen Zeitungen und wirbt dort ganzseitig mit einer Landkarte ohne Grenzen für seine Angebote, demonstrativ mit einem großen Slogan "From the River to the Sea". Das Westjordanland und Gaza sind dort eliminiert und werden als Teil #Israels gezeigt.
Der Deutschlandfunk dazu: "Menschenrechtler halten diese Geschäfte für nicht legitim. Der Springer-Konzern sagt, er hält sich an israelisches [sic] Recht [sic]."
Jetzt wollen fünf Palästinenser aus dem Westjordanland in Deutschland dagegen vorgehen, über den Weg des Lieferkettengesetzes, das auch zur Verhinderung von Landraub gedacht ist.
Frühere Meldungen dazu (Englisch):
Today, the State of #Palestine is recognized by 146 of the 193 #UN members.
#SimonHarris, prime minister of #Ireland, on #Israel noisily, and with the usual allegations, closing down its embassy in #Dublin:
»Ireland is pro-peace, pro-human rights and pro-international law. Ireland wants a two-state solution and for Israel and Palestine to live in peace and security. Ireland will always speak up for human rights and international law. Nothing will distract from that.«
I wish my country had a government that speaks truth with such integrity.
This morning starts with very good news. #Syria is liberated from dictator #Assad. I'm seeing videos of prison doors being unlocked, women and children being liberated.
My hope for Syria is that the #freedom lasts. Having seen similar pictures in a very different context, from Iran, as a child, I sincerely hope that this change will be different.
No mere swapping of prison directors, no takeover of torture chambers by the new powers, no transformation of oppression, to adapt it to a different ideology.
I hope.
@ayoub you can search your account @ayoub directly at https://mastodon.social, click on the profile found, and when it is hidden, you will be told so. I've checked this today, and it was no longer reported hidden, as it was before.
It seems mastodon.social has stopped hiding the profile of @ayoub.
Does not change my assessment of this instance, though.
First things first, Jay.
Thank you for your work.
It seems mastodon.social has begun to silence Arab voices.
The profile of @ayoub has been hidden by its moderators.
mastodon.social is a rotten #Mastodon monster instance that should not even exist, growing like cancer because it's presented as the default signup instance.
Get out of it.
#Aid #trucks in #Gaza are being looted. On the breakdown of civil order, bombed about, and overseen, by the army of #Israel:
»Sources working in Gaza say the armed attacks take place just a few hundred meters away from Israeli troops. Some aid groups say attacked truck drivers have even sought help from the IDF, but the army has refused to intervene. Moreover, they say, the army bars them from taking alternate roads that are considered safer. […]
Around a kilometer from Kerem Shalom, shortly before the eastern neighborhoods of #Rafah, there's an area that the army calls "the #looting zone." This is where most of the looting of aid trucks takes place. Yet the area is under full control of the #IDF, with troops stationed just hundreds of meters, and sometimes less, from the roadblocks the armed men erect on the road.«
When it comes to video calls, closing issue #8529 that is still unresolved after 5 years would be a much more massive quality of life improvement, for those who depend on metered cellular plans.
In all those years, stale bot tried to close it, since nothing happened. A workaround was presented as a pull request - closed by stale bot. People keep telling you under this issue that this prevents them from fully switching to Signal.
With #Gaza deliberately being cut off, and sealed off, by #Israel, just about any form of #internet access, no matter how shaky and temporary, has become vital for
With most of the infrastructure in Gaza destroyed, mobile phone accounts in the shape of #eSIMs [*] are one of the last remaining means to communicate. They log into neighboring Egypt and Israeli mobile networks, wherever possible (mostly in the South of Gaza).
#ConnectingHumanity is providing eSIMs to the groups mentioned above. They're reliable and legit [**]. Consider donating to them.
[*] An eSIM is a virtual SIM that can be sent as a QR code, rather than a physical SIM that is next to impossible to get into Gaza, at the moment.
[**] More context:
Rolf | RFK ⁂ 🇺🇦🟣 | 🐧 ✊ #PenguinRebellionPlease be advised that I make only limited use of Content Warnings. I also purge all followers from mastodon.social, from time to time.Private account | English and GermanMy posts are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/) | #NoBot | #NoBridgeImage descriptions: The header image is an aerial photo taken from a low angle. It's showing hills with soft hilltops, all covered by short green grass. In a basin of one of the hilltops, a shepherd and their sheep can be seen, as tiny figures from afar. The profile picture shows a nearly black-and-white photo of a bearded guy in a white shirt. His hair is short and gray. He's wearing glasses with a frame that is black in the upper half, and blue in the lower. The photo is blurred.
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