@ins0mniak@p@pwm@miscbrains@NonPlayableClown I once had a dream that Doc and Marty were stuck in a loop growing increasingly psychotic as Doc keeps sending Marty back to the future, Marty keeps coming back from the future, etc. Eventually Doc was grabbing open Marty's jaw to inspect his teeth and then shoving him back into the delorean. It also featured a sneak peak into card nights at the McFly home circa the mid 1960s
@ins0mniak@p@miscbrains@NonPlayableClown When I was in high school I always thought it would be cool to write a science fiction story about a psychopath who goes back in time and violently rapes himself, but you know, you grow up and do other things
@ins0mniak@p@miscbrains@NonPlayableClown Primer (2004) is a decent indie film. Something about time travel being extremely inconvenient and causing nose bleeds aids the suspension of disbelief, as do the realistic UT frat bros
Our "elected" officials are to blame and our so-called leaders are all guilty of treason.
If they are not the first, and by far the first, on your list of subjects to round up onto busses and trains as a purported solution to anything, I can only assume your loyalties are to them
@arcana it seems like there are just a lot of people who hate their parents on here, I'm not sure the anti boomer rage boils down to any more than that.
@lain@sun We have a pirate party affiliate in formation in the US. I wrote to the chairman that the foreign policy section on their website wasn't anti-empire enough and the way it was written it could be interpreted to justify the US invading and overthrowing other countries for having monopolies and strict copyright laws. He accused me of being a "Maga communist", so I lost interest
@icedquinn Nothing to do with wokery, a different flavor of noise altogether. Mullenweg is having a public meltdown and making up laws to extort money from a competitor and defaming them. Then he blocked all their customers (1 million+ sites) from connecting to WP API/repositories without any warning. He said "sue me" so they did.
The ridiclous part I think a lot of people in the WordPress ecosystem didn't notice until now is that this whole time 1 individual has had absolutely unlimited control of plugin, theme, and core management, of all WordPress installs, worldwide, regardless of where they are hosted, the power to unplug 43% of the web on whim, and now that's he's weaponized that he isn't trusted anymore, so FOSS foundations and/or web hosts will just have to build their own repositories which is how it should be anyway.
@icedquinn To paraphrase someone on social this morning, Mullenweg's behavior is actually so unhinged that's making a whole community of anti-establishment nerds side with Private Equity.