2024 has been a pivotal year for NLnet Labs. Our vision for #DNS, our commitment to the #rustlang programming language and, in its wake, the influx of new talent joining our team, all combined with the support we received from @sovtechfund, we’ve been able to make a giant leap forward in realizing our #OpenSource goals. We are eager to maintain the momentum!
In the first of a series of articles, we look back at 2024 and set the stage for things to come.
Ploutos 5.0 is out, our @github reusable workflow for packaging #Rust Cargo projects as DEB & RPM packages and Docker images.
In addition to some breaking changes and fixes, the optional new `artifact_prefix` workflow input can be used to namespace produced GitHub Actions artifacts so that existing artifacts by the same name as those produced by the Ploutos workflow are not clobbered / used by accident.
Initially our reusable workflow to build Debian/RPM/Docker packages for #Rust projects lived in the special /.github repo. But, now that it's matured and made for a wider audience, having a dedicated repo is much nicer for contributions and issues. So here it is, the "Ploutos" project. #rustlanghttps://github.com/NLnetLabs/ploutos
Dutch #NonProfit foundation proudly serving the Internet community since 1999 with #OpenSource software for #DNS and #BGP. Applied research, open standards advocates, bridging technology and policy. #Clang origins, now #rustlang aficionados. The people behind Unbound, NSD, Routinator, Rotonda and much more...Account maintained by @benno, @alexband, @maarten, @jasper, @partim and @willem.