Notices by JoshuaSlocum (
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@CobaltSasquatch alcohol is hard to quit because it makes you sexier, funnier and the best driver on the road
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@prettygood @eemmaa this happens randomly, and it's clearly a bug
you can reset desktop view settings which can fix it, but that's just shit
it's really irritating because back in MacOS 7/8/9 days, this behavior was astonishingly good
it would remember positions on multiple monitors; if you unplugged a monitor and later reattached it, it would put the folders back where they were
i think apple is trying to push people to stop using the desktop as a place to organize things, e.g. you have to turn a setting on to have your hard drive show up on the desktop
yo Tim Apple, stop trying to make MacOS into iOS you colossal faggot
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@sun estimated date of completion: 9457 AD
beats Hurd to the market by three months
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@NotoriousDOG man why genx get this stick, fleetwood mac is the boomeriest of boomer bands
genx was playing with transformers when the band was falling apart
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@sun keyboard seems a bit janky, but hard to tell
form factor looks right tho
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@phnt @prettygood @newt >peak of overall desktop computing was CDE on Solaris
look at this divisive content being posted openly on the fediverse webzones
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@p @sendpaws i have a couple of these
they are excellent
will also double as an impromptu bludgeon
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@sun @Leyonhjelm @Nudhul @mangeurdenuage does that mean you want a very specific woman's breastmilk
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@scenesbycolleen @RustyCrab @binkle @Bad_Banner ngl, i'd kill to have a big ass guardian snail
his name would be Hank and i would terrorize three states with him
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@scenesbycolleen @RustyCrab @binkle @Bad_Banner >little sister lynching dat snail
big ass Cretaceous snail knows what he did
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS i mean, i know it's real
but it just can't be real
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lmao, that can't possibly be real
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS those are easter eggs, you can't fool me
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work is overrated, time for some clean, wholesome fedifun
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@judgedread @p >Linotype machines
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@TrevorGoodchild @p bro just call the tip line bro
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@Eiregoat @IAMAL_PHARIUS just freezing funds for 90 days will sink a ton of these shitbags
you know they don't have any cash on hand worth mentioning
all of the tryhards that do the necessary scutwork gots billz, they can't weather three months of no-salary in whatever bugman municipality they live in
thousands (millions?) will be applying for those coveted Panda Express jobs so they don't get their Chevy Volt repoed
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@feld i only rsync to locally attached USB 1.1 hard drives i've scrounged from dumpsters
i am invincible
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@TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro went to the ER with someone who was in a shitload of pain
doc walked in, saw this person sitting, rolling, kneeling, shifting positions, and said "kidney stone"
they verified, but yeah, kidney stone
doc said that this dance, moving around trying to get comfortable, was practically diagnostic
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@Shlomo i think it was @p who memed it as horizontal monitor for java class names and vertical for java stack traces
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- 248833
- Member since
- 12 Mar 2024
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