Notices by JoshuaSlocum (
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@feld i only rsync to locally attached USB 1.1 hard drives i've scrounged from dumpsters
i am invincible
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@TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro went to the ER with someone who was in a shitload of pain
doc walked in, saw this person sitting, rolling, kneeling, shifting positions, and said "kidney stone"
they verified, but yeah, kidney stone
doc said that this dance, moving around trying to get comfortable, was practically diagnostic
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@Shlomo i think it was @p who memed it as horizontal monitor for java class names and vertical for java stack traces
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@ChadleyDudebro @TrevorGoodchild @EdBoatConnoisseur @sickburnbro the pharmaceutical industry is also a bit of a clusterfuck
a lot of decent stuff should be out of patent and therefore generic and cheap, but pharma companies "improve" them and get a new patent, and they do a lot of work to get doctors to prescribe the new-and-improved stuff, so what should be a few cents per pill are now $2
the flip side of this is fucked too
a lot of good work goes into pharma research, but the patents go into effect before testing, which can take years. the patent is no bueno after 20 years, and it takes 5-10 years of testing to get approval, so you have to rape patients in order to make back the cost of R&D
because of this, boutique diseases might get some research, but to pay for it it goes into some sketch territory
pharma can actually do a lot of good. it can file off some of the genetic burrs that affect people, but it's expensive alchemy
IMO pharma companies should not be allowed to sell publicly traded shares, it introduces too many perverse incentives
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@sun my computer just bit my leg
maybe think about a rollback?
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never before seen levels of "assume the sale"
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@p "it's the only way to be sure"
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@HockeyDoxie dasher, but he tested hot for PEDs
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@HockeyDoxie @Highroehler @WeissenSocken88 rule 35 of the internet: if it exists somebody is going to put it on a cat
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@sun i'm sorry for you and happy for you
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@p @TrevorGoodchild @p @p rack mount chassies are the heaviest thing ever created by God or man, there's no dark matter, it's just 4u servers that got decommissioned and flung into interstellar space
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@sickburnbro @TrevorGoodchild @EvilSandmich @Rasterman look at how i'm not writing a 9,000 word polemic on the crabclaw sail, i've grown and changed as a shitpoaster
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@TrevorGoodchild @sickburnbro @Rasterman @LawrenceGerald BMI DOESN'T ACCOUNT FOR MY MASSIVE DONG
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@sickburnbro @NoDoxGregBrady assassination politics isn't great, for sure
i don't think this is a slippery-slope situation, though
public lynchings have a pretty short half-life
for the Tweepers who go on about how terrible, simply terrible this is, my suggestion is to just sit on your hands
we slow-walked our way into this fiasco of healthcare financing, but we can't slow-walk our way out of it, the corruption and capture is too entrenched
hand-wringing moralizing on X dot com is the modern version of praying standing in the synagogues and street corners, and Jesus Himself said "that's cringe"
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@NoDoxGregBrady @sickburnbro you'll meet people who are kinda ambivalent about the death of a family member, and then later be absolutely broken up about the death of their dog
it seems weird, but i heard once that this is pretty common
you often have a complicated relationship with humans, even family members, but your relationship with your pet is almost entirely positive
practically everybody has been screwed over by their health insurance company
even little things like "i pay $12,000 a year for health insurance and i'm still stuck with a dozen bills for $87 dribbling in over the course of a month?" take a toll
just about everybody has entertained the fantasy of doing something violent in the face of such fuckery
the fags trying to stake out their I'm-Trying-To-Be-Reasonable territory are deaf to the memesong
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@jb having studied this closely (i am making facts up in real time), the long waits are more about insufficient surgeons and tests/imaging that require high-dollar equipment
both of these are fixable
the cheapest healthcare is preventative, i.e. don't get fat, keep your bloodwork up to date to spot problems earlier, etc.
the most expensive healthcare is defensive, i.e. "we're going to run a million tests so i don't get sued into oblivion"
provide for the first, keep the second down to a dull roar, and you've saved a hojillion dollars
but people tend to get caught up in extreme edge cases, which as a programmer i can appreciate, but come on, let's grab that 80/20 low hanging fruit you goobers
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@jb >comments are spicy
>"In 2022 USA citizenry paid just about 4.5 Trillion dollars on health care insurance. Insurance companies paid only about 798 Billion dollars in claims. There were under 340 Million US citizens. That means for every USA citizen insurance companies paid out in claims under $2340. It also means that the average annual amount paid by a US citizen for the anticipated $2340 received from their insurance company was $13,235. Had instead every USA citizen paid just $2500 annually to the government for insurance and was then automatically covered, in theory not only would the government make a profit, but that US citizen would save $10,000. Of course the health care insurers would would lose about 3.7 trillion dollars and our congressmen can't have that. If that happened how could they afford the luxuries they get?"
i'm sure the numbers aren't super great, it's really hard to get accurate numbers in that morass, but it's close enough to make the point
we have socialized healthcare right now, but it's got this extra layer where some giant corporation can also pay employees and executives to get in between a doctor and a patient and hassle both of them, and still turn a massive profit
rent-seeking behavior and beak-wetters is NOT ALLOW
and for the first time, the rent-seekers and beak-wetters have some idea what NOT ALLOW means
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@TrevorGoodchild @brittbratt_fingerpuppet @jeffcliff >large bazongas
i wasn't really paying attention to this thread, but now it has my full attention and i would like to know more
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@KarlDahl @judgedread this tracks 100% and actually explains quite a lot
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