Fast food burger is waste of time cardboard wormguts filler meat. But home made burger with a dash of love and a spritz of care and a delicate sprinkling of hugs really scratches the itch.
Five Guys is okay that's pretty meaty too but the buns get soggy and it's kind of annoying.
@sun I heard you can't stop taking it once you start. I heard it makes your penis go inside out. I heard it makes your butthole pucker and you have to poop through your mouth and
Anyway, I just can't believe that people of any means are down with jacking up on clownshoe diet drugs or whatever that shit is supposed to be.
I got the bluesky for posting images and tending my flock of crotch goblins to be strong in the ways of Christ. But every post that isn't tasty cartoon boobie is irritating political delusions, half of which come from other artists who are intensely out of their depth, and will never be able to understand basic causal forces.
I've always wanted to spearhead a movement that demotivates people from political engagement to at least reduce the number of combatants in the world, as I'm not a man who particularly enjoys the suffering of his enemies. But I can't seem to stop people from gouging their eyes out on the wrought-iron truth.
Here's a picture, as I know word posts are tedious.
@spacemanspiff So I do Princess Highground comics very irregularly as commentary/spur of the moment gag kinda stuff, and I'll post more of the recent ones here.
PHG isn't my priority cuz I have an actual plotted webcomic that I'm racing to get some tangible updates on, it's not a princess comic, but is a properly written story that I think people will dig.
There IS an old compendium of Princess comics on my gumroad but some of the early ones date back ten years to when I drew much worse than I do presently.
There's good stuff in it, though. If you wonder why people treat me with any reverence it's because I said nigger in it and they loved that. And I loved that. And we all bonded because of nigger.
It was however not a particularly disciplined experience when I tried to string it out into a coherent plot, and it ended early. Still, people say they liked it!
I'd have just let you shovel through my twitter archives if I hadn't been banished, I am working on a nice comprehensive gallery/comic website for collecting everything I've made but that's at the whim of my bro who seems to get exponentially busier the closer he gets to finishing.
@sun@mischievoustomato I've decided after considerable debate that Katherine Highground is British or something, but also has French heritage so she's perhaps more pretty.
You honestly can't use Bluesky for even the most casual of communications, I just needed a backup art dump site at normie access levels. But it's a total psyche ward.
Normally you balance politics posting with porn and cats. Those are the eternal midpoints for casual tolerance that civilized societies agree upon. Twitter has that balance. But because there's no dissent on Bluesky, this balance isn't struck because everyone's constantly circle jerking, completely uninterrupted.
There's plenty of porn, but somehow a fractional amount of catposting outside the dedicated cat accounts. I should be seeing cats retweeted from every artist I follow, but they don't post cats. They post about Trump.
In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn’t commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune.If you have a problem, If no one else can help and if you can find them. Maybe you can hire...Jerk Douglas