@LukeAlmighty@alyx True transparency, using alpha, is trivial to implement, but for high fidelity games it's a serious issue.
Besides what you already mentioned, transparent objects have to be rendered AFTER everything else has been rendered behind them. On top of that, to prevent two transparent objects from covering each other, they must be drawn back to front, as opposed to the front rendering most engines use these days.
Front rendering is a powerful optimization that reduces over draw. Say you drew a thing, and there's something behind it. GPU doesn't care, it won't bother with an object if it's already being obscured, there's nothing left to draw.
With dithering, none of these issues exist, because it's still a solid object as far as the GPU is concerned.
Attached is correct and incorrect transparency overlapping.
@LukeAlmighty@SuperDicq The integer overflow I understand, if a + b is greater than MAX_INT, that's an issue. Not sure how this affects prefetching, but then I'm not an expert. The rest is Chinese to me.
26 hours later, I got the true ending for Ender: Magnolia.
Excellent metroidvania. Medium difficulty is just above average, meaning I had to customize my gear for certain bosses, and not just use my exploration build all the time, but I was rarely frustrated from failing encounters. Controls are good, and hit boxes feel fair.
I missed metroidvanias that aren't 2D Darksouls, not everything has to be so brutal that I have to memorize enemy patterns and animations, they're no longer enemies at that point, they're state machines. It takes me out of the game.
@PraxisOfEvil It's not as bad as you think. $192M WORLD WIDE, for a major release, in an unusually long 4 day weekend.
This is abysmal for Disney.
Account for increase in ticket costs, and more people watched the 1st (non-MCU) Hulk movie.
This thing started with a budget of around $180M, and was reshot in its entirety, at least once, maybe twice. Actual production cost is upwards of $400M.
@RedTechEngineer@feld No, in real life. Fauci deserves to be beaten to a bleeding pulp with a rusty shit-stained sewer pipe, and then tossed feet first into a slow stump grinder filled with salt.