@sickburnbro The confiscation of foreign-assets crossed a big red-line. > "Oh, so you can just steal the money which we need to hold overseas, in order to do business with you, if we don't obey your latest whim?"
@Alduin@sickburnbro As a means of exchange, it is quite functional. I always thought bitcoin was silly. I could have made money if I didn't think that.
But, I still think it's silly - as a store of wealth - even though many holding it have a lot of wealth as a result. Tulips did something like this - though, they were actual physical goods with some inherent value.
Bitcoiin reminds me of the classical "dollar-auction" - but one that just keeps on bidding-up. At least, until the power goes off.
@sickburnbro Some of his civ-nat angles are better than status-quo - but there is also this:
> “I think that there’s two things that for critical race theorists drives them crazy, one is interracial marriage. I think that interracial marriage is a sign of progress,” said Rufo, himself a part of an interracial marriage.
> “I think also America is going to look very different in 100 years. You’re not going to be able to tell, ‘you’re black,’ ‘you’re white,’ ‘you’re Hispanic,’ ‘you’re Puerto Rican,’ whatever. It’s going to be very complex, and ultimately that’s going to be good,” he added.
@sickburnbro@Escoffier@drake_koefoed@CrustyB Good was formerly done by the NIH and at universities - the unis then being state-subsidized vs corporate-funded. We would need to rewind parts of this back to the 70s, and other parts to pre "Rockefeller Medicine" days - dig out all the rot.
@drake_koefoed@Escoffier@sickburnbro@CrustyB I want doctors to be relatively wealthy - like they were, when we had the best health-care in the world. I want the best and brightest to become docs vs some other high-paying profession. It wasn't doc's salaries which created this problem.
We were not short on hospitals in those days, because the non-profit hospital org could easily get a bank-loan at very low interest to expand, if the need / business was unfilled in an area. There was very low-risk to the bank, of the loan going unpaid - because old people are going to need periodic "repair" - and a smaller % of younger folks.
Where a govt-financed system may be needed, is in primary-residence home-loans, as RFK-Jr has proposed. But, this cannot be based on Fed-Reserve money, to be paid back at a higher interest rate than the low-interest loan, thus becoming a tax-funded subsidy / ponzi-scheme.
I do not say this in aversion to going after the elite who used corrupt-practices to 'de-home-own' millions of Americans. I would fully-support a law to force Blackstone/Blackrock to sell their residential real-estate holdings back to those the banks foreclosed-upon post-2008-crash - and at the bargain-price the banks sold those homes to THEM (blackstone), but refused to offer the former-homeowners on a re-finance.
@drake_koefoed@Escoffier@sickburnbro@CrustyB In the Good Old Days - Not-For-profit insurers did not try to block paying out legit-claims, because their charters made "the insured" their primary interest. Contrast to "the shareholder's profits" being the primary interest of "for-profit health insurance," now. This is why docs did not need an army of staff to get paid, back then.
The ONLY reason a corporation is needed, is to raise RISK CAPITAL. Medical has a guaranteed-market, due to the human condition, so this is a STUPID system to use for that function.
For stuff like smart-phones, a for-profit system is well suited - though, even in this case, "planned obsolescence" must be criminalized. I could do a long-tangent here on lightbulbs and computer chips (Intel AND Apple) ... see the film "The Lightbulb Conspiracy" for a brief primer on that subject: youtube.com/watch?v=BWJC5ieUAe4
@drake_koefoed@sickburnbro@CrustyB@Escoffier Competition does not increase costs, other than advertising-costs borne by all players. That is one reason why Big-Pharma could not advertise prescription drugs to the general-public, before the 80s. However, there was corruption in the medical-journals at that time (still is, today).
Yes - the other major problem with folks covering their own medical costs/insurance, is that MOST Americans live hand-to-mouth - cannot find $400 cash in an emergency.
@sickburnbro@CrustyB@Escoffier Healthcare was also less expensive, because the insurance orgs were regulated to be not-for-profits, and most hospitals were not-for-profits, run by the senior-docs who practiced there.
Obamacare was the "solution" in the "problem reaction solution" chain of events, which was started by 'de-regulation', which made costs skyrocket. In fact, Obamacare-type legislation, including the "individual mandate," was first proposed by Senate Republicans - written by the Heritage Foundation. They needed "left-cover" to pass it, hence Obama's role.
Take hospitals - the senior-docs who were the board-of-dirs at a non-profit hospital wanted the best tools for their practice, and happy customers, so kept the place nice and modern.
Health insurance was more like a credit-union - simply operated in the interest of its members.
The cost of filling in the uninsured-gap, in that system, would have been a tiny-fraction of today's govt-subsidies - because a massive-portion of the money spent on "health care" goes into Wall St's pockets, instead of providing care/services. Then, enter Black-Rock, enforcing DEI, to further wreck quality via reverse-meritocracy.
@sickburnbro They like to pretend that "labor cost" is the full MSRP of a product, when pushing the "importance" of "will work cheeeeper" 3rd World Replacement Workers.
The example I usually use is the lettuce-picker. Way back during the Gang-Of-Eight days, McCain said Americans would not do it for a good wage. Then, he refused to find jobs for the Americans who accepted his offer.
How many heads of lettuce does a lettuce-picker harvest per-hour? Triple their wages, pass it 100% to the consumer, and a single head of lettuce would only increase a few-cents. All those Americans could then buy homes, decent cars, and make too much to qualify for social-programs - saving the consumer far more in tax-savings.
@Shadowman311@TrevorGoodchild If Whites are back in control in our homelands, I do not see why we would lose our technological-advancements - stuff WE invented in the first place.
Or, do you mean the Jewish cauldron before we get there -as they try to "maximize the efficiency" of their "cattle" farm? And/or the ravages of a war, which takes-out that system?
And, in this case, there are two sane alternative approaches: 1) Make Porn Illegal across the board. 2) Make it illegal for an adult to allow a child access to an internet-connected device which does not have "net-nanny" or similar installed to prevent access.
The 2nd option would be in the same legal-framework as leaving a loaded gun on the floor where a toddler is crawling around.
Under current law, I think they have to doxx-themselves to access it - no? So, they will use VPNs to avoid that - until TX "has to" make VPNs illegal, to "save the children" - the usual bit.
This is not a defense of degeneracy / porn - just highlighting how it is another chain they are wrapping around us, disguised in a right-pander.
@BowsacNoodle@jeffcliff Sounds just like the leftists / Biden / Fauci / Wallensky / Jews (Dershowitz to Chompsky) on Covid - yes. Brutal Treatment for any who don't buy the PROVEN BY EVIDENCE false-narrative lies.
> incorporating an algorithm that I invented for "bias mitigation" ... "Basically, what I would do is I would put LaMDA through a whole bunch of different activities and conversations, note whenever I found something problematic, and hand that over to the team building it so they could retrain it — fix the data set,"
@sickburnbro@TrevorGoodchild@SpoopyAnon I always viewed this silly case as just more reverse-psychology - like the "indictments" - as "rally around dear leader under attack" for the Trumpsters (so we didn't talk about Trump's policy-decisions and Plandemic during the R-Primary) - plus "Orange Man Bad" for the leftists.
Those work well together - worked really well for 4 years of Trump - covering up for his policy betrayals with his base, who could make endless excuses for him based on "under attack" - even though none of what happened prevented him from keeping his promises.
Goal: Save Civilization by removing the so-called "Jews" from power, then reversing their poisoning of our homelands - deporting the 3rd Worlders they flooded in, re-institutionalizing / banishing those infected with LGBTPedo-disease, and de-toxifying medicine and food.