Notices by SooopyAnon (
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@sickburnbro The same biased judge who ordered a halt to deportations is overseeing this newly fabricated 'gotcha?'
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@judgedread It appears some jews did actually understand the Golem of Chelm parable.
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@PraxisOfEvil This strikes me as a programming update for hopeless leftoids. They have to constantly re-skin the veneer of the delusion they're so deeply sunk into.
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At the bank today I held the door open for 2 Asian girls and they actually said "thank you."
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>bunch of illegals get kicked out, creating job openings
>bunch of worthless government drones get fired and need a new job
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS This makes perfect sense.
The Warsaw Pact began dissolving in 1990.
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Everyone pissing and shitting blood at Trump.
Obama's CIA and Soros' NGO spiders were the architects of the Maidan Uprising.
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Tinfoil hat bros
We made it
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Pretty fucking angry watching the evidence of USAID hemorrhaging vast amounts of money on the dumbest, gayest, monkey tier, 3rd word, fuck off, rat hole, theater kid, hippy faggot, astroturfed, dumb shit while I have to scrimp and be fruegal, and go without so my family can have something, anything as the state enforced sword of Damocles hangs over my fucking head for the most minor infractions.
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>anti-semitism laws are the beginning of the end of the jew
>anti-semitism laws are empowering the ZOG
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Do I trust Trump 100%? No.
Do I approve of him eviscerating my domestic enemies of funding and power? Yes.
Simple as.
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@matty @Oven_Operators_LU_88 It's democracy when they win through cheating and corruption, but a fascist coup when actual elected officials clean up the corruption.
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@sickburnbro You can tell these programs are jewish in nature how they turn to ooze and slip through your fingers the moment you grip them.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS Oof nevermind lol
Hot potato already in the air
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS I always feel like a boomer with a PDF on crypto stuff.
Is this a legit 'to the moon' thing worth buying or another womp womp episode?
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@TornadoOfTerror Almost as if several generations were gaslit into thinking they were lazy shit by their elders and worked harder and harder to dispel that myth while not recieving compensation for it.
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Man, so many cute zoomer girls at the barcade checking out my new flannel 😏
- User ID
- 131126
- Member since
- 24 May 2023
- Notices
- 87
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