@bobjonkman @sam @ascentale @moira oh yeah I had another look at the pics on the website and it uses backwards-facing, screw-adjusted dropouts. So that's not going to work with all the 3x7 frames in the recycling pile.
Also that's one chain adjustment for two chains, so the choice of chainrings is going to be limited by what gets both chains to the same length, and also the more-heavily-used chain is going to get loose as it wears, and you can't adjust it because the other chain is then too tight.
I was thinking about whether a pair of idlers would work: I've seen idlers used for single-speed conversions and they seem pretty good, I guess you could extend the idea to 2 chains. A sprung idler might not work well with the back-pedal gear shifts though, and two separate fixed idlers would be a bit of a maintenance headache!