Have heard of Metcalfe's law and Reed's law for the first time thanks to a @netzpolitik_feed article. Which reaffirms my believe + efforts to get #multicast routing between #Freifunk communities working. The Metalcafe's law says a network grows by value/importance proportional to the square and had a classic telephone network in mind. For multicast I think Reed's law seems more fitting, which considers all potential subgroups, with an exponential value/importance. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reed%27s_law
Wer noch was günstiges für #Freifunk braucht, evtl. zum Austausch von Altlasten wie den 841er: Der D-Link DAP-X1860 ist gerade wieder auf 30€ runter. Und so für den Preis auf Amazon oder Mediamarkt/Saturn erhältlich. Eines der günstigsten 802.11ax / #WiFi6 Geräte zur Zeit.
@pluralistic "Whenever you take a measure during a moment of strength that guards against your own future self's weakness, you enter into a Ulysses Pact – think throwing away the Oreos when you start your diet."
This reminded me of a construct some initiative came up for houses here in Germany: Mietshäuser Syndikat ("apartment-house syndicate"). It prevents the privatization of a house. You manage your house but the syndicate can veto selling it.
@ryanc and the "vertical installation" is funny. I guess it's about the panel - but what if someone had accidentally installed the lift in horizontal mode :D?
Weird thought of the day: Is a single letter trademarkeable? What would happen if someone were creating a Mastodon instance called "X - formerly #Twitter" - an instance aimed at people who moved from Twitter to the #Fediverse? 🤡