"Research from a leading academic shows Android users have advertising cookies and other gizmos working to build profiles on them even before they open their first app."
@CorioPsicologia@javisamo vi un par de episodios de esa serie en su momento buscando en realidad otra serie: Silicon Valley. Cuando encontré la que buscaba dejé de verla y nunca la retomé. A ver si la retomo en algún momento.
Ayer veía por primera vez Piratas de Silicon Valley de 1999. No sé cómo se vería en su momento, pero tengo la impresión de que ha envejecido mal como obra cinematográfica. Su contenido sí que la hace relevante, porque refleja bien las prioridades de muchos de los gurús tecnológicos y cómo se fundaron imperios tecnológicos robando ideas a los demás, algo que sigue perfectamente vigente y que nos ha traído hasta aquí.
Podemos presentarlo como publicidad de Mastondon: "en esta red social la convivencia y la educación son tan exquisitas que hemos tenido hasta que crear un bot para sufrir algún pequeño insulto de vez en cuando" :)
Siempre nos hemos preguntado por qué Carl Sagan fue un divulgador que luchó contra la pseudociencia y aún así era respetado incluso por muchos de los creyentes. Su secreto está muy bien reflejado en esta guía de cómo enfrentarse a los creyentes en teorías de la conspiración.
I would be infinitely grateful to all climate scientists who are active in the fediverse and Bluesky to activate there the bot that allows to interact with BS accounts from here. I would also very much appreciate a post on BS encouraging your followers to do the same.
"The overwhelming majority (91%) of all scientists (strongly) agreed that addressing #climatechange requires fundamental changes to social, political and economic systems, while most (84%) also (strongly) agreed that significant changes in personal and lifestyle behaviours are required. Almost twice as many scientists ‘(strongly) disagreed’ that technology will largely solve the problems caused by climate change (44%) compared with those that (strongly) agreed (28%)"
:quotesL: Rising material extraction has shrunk global circularity: from 9.1% in 2018, to 8.6% 2020, and now 7.2% in 2023. This leaves a huge Circularity Gap: the globe almost exclusively relies on new (virgin) materials. :quotesR:
PISA takes the benchmark of 500 as the OECD average for 15-year-old students. For most countries the difference is very small. E.g., in PISA 2012 Denmark scored 498 and Spain 496 in science. That puts Spain in 21st place out of 34 countries, which was considered by here as a disastrous result.
There seems to be some consensus that the PISA methodology is appropriate, but that doesn't imply that the differences are significant or that you can deduce where they are significant +
“We expected most ice shelves to go through cycles of rapid, but short-lived shrinking, then to regrow slowly. Instead, we see that almost half of them are shrinking with no sign of recovery.”
“Many of the ice shelves have deteriorated a lot: 48 lost more than 30% of their initial mass over just 25 years. This is further evidence that #Antarctica is changing because the climate is warming.”