@skinnylatte aren't there a number of scandals around him for culinary appropriation, stereotyping and other things much more harmful than putting a camember in stuffed cabbage? @clew
@clew I'm not entirely sure what kind of dried herbs are readily available in UK supermarkets nor of the price of garlic and onion there, which are obviously constraints. But the recipes are downright weird, and could be made closer to the real deal by swapping some out-of-place ingredients with an onion and some herbes de Provence or approximation thereof (shouldn't be harder to find than ready-made tzatziki ?). I'd be less annoyed if they were called "Mediterranean-inspired" I think.
Started reading some of Jamie Oliver's 5 ingredient Mediterranean recipes because I was wondering how you'd get to have any ingredient after olive oil, garlic, onions, salt, pepper and herbs.
Turns out olive oil and salt/pepper don't count, and herbs are a rare occurrence.
So you mininize number of ingredients by 1) only using herbs/spices when there's enough ingredients left
2) using combined ingredients as much as possible, eg nut mix in baklava, garlic mayonnaise in aioli, tzatziki to top your couscous - red pepper - red onion - chicken bake (what?)
3) never mixing more than two vegetables at a time, preferably two that don't grow at the same time of the year
Also, stuffed cabbage made from - cabbage leaves - stuffed with inside of sausage, seasoned with salt and pepper - placed into tomato sauce made from canned plum tomatoes + water (?) + salt (??) + pepper (that's all folks) - surrounding a camembert
Masto, tu as des conseils de lecture pour une petite fille de bientôt 7 ans, pas trop mainstream (pour éviter qu'elle l'ait déjà), pas sexiste, de préférence écrit par une nana ou une personne racisée ? Je sais pas si c'est très pertinent, mais la gamine aime les maths, le violon et l'escalade.
<3 <3 <3 sur le mec des services techniques (le bas du bas de l'échelle de la considération ici) qui a rep à tous « Sans interprète LSF ? Il faudrait penser à respecter la loi du 11 février 2005 pour l'égalité des droits et des chances, la participation et la citoyenneté des personnes handicapées » à une annonce de conférence «inspirante» (jvous jure c'est écrit) sur le handicap invisible qui contient les mots « Le Handicap est un obstacle ? On vous prouve que non » de mon employeur. #validisme
I often think of these words of @mariafarrell as I contemplate militant burnout and how exhausting it is to always fight and comment and react.
" (...) Silicon Valley’s most able critics are nearly all women or nonbinary. (...) But we (...) have our own ideas and dreams, too. We didn’t grow up yearning to pen exquisite critiques of shitty ideologies. We’d like to build our own things, too, you know?"
@freemo they're not relying on diagnoses by doctors, but asking about the presence of symptoms that lasted three months or longer, and whether these long-term symptoms reduce one's ability to carry out day-to-day activities.
I'm as happy as the next person badmouthing OpenAI's product, but what the article on ELIZA beating GPT3.5 (and not GPT4, btw) at the Turing test really illustrates is how useless the Turing test is now that many humans have interacted with chatbots.
1) Only 63% of humans passed the Turing test.
2) Participants said ELIZA was so uncooperative they thought it had to be a human being annoying on purpose and couldn't possibly be a bot – which only happens because they're familiar with ChatGPT.