@aral I've remained silent on the subject until now and can live with contrary opinions. I was happy to follow you. But now you've crossed a red line. By trivialising the Holocaust with an utterly impossible comparison. I'm not debating that, just wishing you goodbye. I can't stand it. @thetechtutor
Das Problem sind die immensen Anfangsinvestitionen (und man braucht dann auch modern gebaute Gewächshäuser). Das haben die meisten regionalen Betriebe nicht auf der hohen Kante, weil sie nicht so groß sind. Wäre in der EU die Frage, was man in der Agrarwirtschaft subventionieren möchte ...
@Brendanjones Well, if you search for carbon zero cement etc. you find many links and nobody can produce alternatives on an industrial level or they hide parts of carbon elsewhere. Even McKinsey ! writes that change hasn't yet arrived on an industrial scale, that it's everything still in experimentation. And there are many experiments like algae cement: https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/green-tech/a40785162/microalgae-carbon-neutral-cement/ To put it bluntly: I am fascinated by such approaches. I'm just extremely sceptical because I can't find anything about
@Brendanjones Unfortunately, I have no time to read the whole interview, I could only skim it. She's great in public relations. When things get interesting, she dodges the question and talks about "great stuff". She talks about basalt rocks (which ones), about bottom ash (others use that, too). She talks of calcium silicate that they use but not how it differs from industry (sometimes it comes from slag and that's absolutely not carbon-neutral). I found this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cement_chemist_notation
@Brendanjones They use "rocks and industrial waste", so they take at least a large part from nature.
In the last months I found at least 3 "very new methods" to produce what they promise. I never found an independent (!) article/study of all these startups that it works in real life, in great scale. I'm not a specialist but it sounds like the phase to find investors and get a break-through.
@mina Kommt drauf an, was du mit "deserves" meinst. In Demokratien wird gewählt und oft bekommen dann die Leute Ergebnisse, die durch breites Nichtwählen zustande kommen. Oder schau De: tolle Leute, die die Versäumnisse der Vorregierung aufräumen müssen, werden angegriffen, in der Springerpresse schlecht gemacht, wenige Narzissten spielen sich dank übler Plattform auf. Und in Diktaturen, sind die verdient? No, the phrase is crap, sorry.😎
@mina PS: die USA hatten es geschafft Trump nochmal zu verhindern. Käme er jetzt an die Macht, dann wegen aller möglichen Mechanismen, aber nicht wegen einer Mehrheit. In Polen haben sich die Menschen gegen die rechte Regierung gewehrt. Und weil wir von Demokratien sprechen: wer verdient deiner Meinung eine Regierung XY: du oder deine politischen Gegnerinnen? Da wackelt dein Satz nämlich auch.
This poses legal problems (EU privacy and digital laws) and the problem that Thread collects everything in its system for AI and other reasons. I want to be sure that it can't if I decide it. Otherwise, I don't need mastodon.online - then I could change to Insta.😉
🧵 2/3 I understand if people love #Threads and federations with big #corporate platforms but I want to have a real *choice*. @Gargron
I didn't leave the big platforms to get them back without any protection. I could post for followers only, yes, of course, but this takes me my reach. If it stayed that way (described above), I could go straight back to large platforms.
🧵1/2 Tested for you: If I #block an #instance or people privately, I can no longer interact with them after a short wait, even though I can still see the profile. But I have tried this with #Threads and it does NOT work! Regardless of whether I block the whole domain or just one account (test with Insta-Boss), I can still interact and comment (he probably, too?). So I will have to move to another instance with #blockThreads ▶️ https://fedipact.online/#privacy#dataSecurity#GDPR@Gargron
@Brendanjones I directly got an inviting code from them and clicked it spontaneously into the waste bin.😁 The founder of Bluesky is a fan of a so-bad ideology, too.
If you are annoyed by people who boost too much (like me 😁 ), you need not mute them! Just go to their profile and choose behind the 3 dots "hide boosts from @ xy". This is also the easiest way to get only original posts by a followee.
@feditips@smeg That's ok but the other admins should do it, too. And as long as that is not made in an amount like Mastodon makes it, for me personally, it's no alternative. Let's agree that we have different opinions. My first experiences with peertube were extremely bad. There was nothing blocked.
I am a #journalist, #author and #paperartist, working on a community #reconnecting you with #nature. #NatureMatchCuts is my #podcast for changing perspectives in the #Anthropocene. #Nature #biodiversity #ecology #Europe #CulturalHeritage #Art #NatureWriting. Volunteering in a French #heritagecenter and #museum in a #BiosphereReserve. #Artist with #paperjewellery #collage #assemblage, #artjournals + #visiblemending. Toots: English (mainly), German, French. NO CWs for nature! #fedi22 🌈