@eric I used to hate it at some point in the past even, because of all the hype surrounding it. I mean the show is okay — good even! But it's not even remotely close to what its fans paint it to be: "Oh, but the economics!" C'mon, guys, what economics?! It's real basic business stuff: buy cheap, sell expensive; long-term investments yield greater returns – things like that. It's not even Keynes-grade stuff — and that would feel weird if made into anime anyway :marseyemojismilemoutheyes:
@eric But I don't have Steam or L4D in Steam — and I'm not even sure if it'd work even if I try. Unless I use Windows… But that looks like going into too much trouble, sorry :marseyshy2: Considering that I probably won't bring much value into the game as it still takes something to get used to and last time I played anything was remastered Quake and it was a few months ago already :marseyemojismilemouthcoldsweat: @splitshockvirus
@eric Oh, that we can play! Void should have the binaries and building it won't be a problem anyway, have to download the game data though, I think I had it on GOG… @splitshockvirus
@bot Well, they can as well find someone of interest on that other instance 😆 I don't think they are chasing someone in particular to go into the trouble of monitoring them from another instance, I think they just have to do some shit to imitate hard work :marseyshrug: @FUCKINGWHOCARESDUDE@cajax@creamqueen@monkey
@kaia But of course in some way they have to cater to the people, that is why they make up this surrogate of national culture, and of course all this is just exploited to strip people of their freedoms: some like USSR and hate capitalism — that's why you are denied economic freedom and you get extreme taxation levels for such a poor country, some like "nationalism" — they aren't given true nationalism of course, but xenophobia is natural, it's grassroots — so they play on that, they often set different ethnic groups against each other in a divide and conquer manner, they utilise the anti-migrant rhetoric despite migrants being the main source of demographic growth. This part caught on among the conservative crowd in the West so Russian government decided to double down on it — denying Russian people personal freedoms, this is where anti-abortion, anti-LGBT stuff comes from. They take the elements that deny the people freedom and explain that out of everything they can lay their hands on and exploit that, the parts that grant people freedoms they throw away. This is what they've built their "traditional values" on and this fine thing is the epitome of it IMO: https://social.librem.one/@m0xee/112865705231999936 It's the so-called Main Cathedral of the Russian Armed Forces, look it up! It's essentially a temple of war that is mimicking the Orthodox Christian aesthetic, but is so satanic that some Christians are uncomfortable being in there, they've been boasting it's made out of metal of re-melted Nazi tanks. At the same time, it has frescoes of Soviet history, despite USSR being atheistic — complete, with portraits of Stalin. AND, although according to the latest info they have decided to remove it, but it was originally there, depictions of current state officials, some of whom still occupy their offices. Throw in Hitler's cap — a WW2-era trophy they've taken from some museum and put there on display. How do you like that? A cocktail of shit that doesn't fit well together, but the main message being: "Go die for the Motherland!",— "the Motherland" being the authorities of course 🤦
@kaia Even being Russian, I have no idea 😂 Serfdom is the only thing that comes to mind, but I'm pretty sure that's not what the conservatives like. In the media they are just aping what the US conservatives are up to: abortions for example, despite abortions never being the problem: if you look at the statistical data, the number of abortions have been steadily declining since the dissolution of USSR as contraception became widely available. The number of births have been growing in the 2000s as economy was on the rise. Now that the economic prospects are grim, fewer couples want to have babies. But US conservatives dig banning abortions and anti-LGBT rhetoric, so they do just that. Same with religion: to US conservatives that might seem natural, but they are missing an important detail, this country was atheistic USSR just a few decades ago. I remember this very well: Orthodox Christianity being reinstated in the 90-ies. People can be religious — their right of course, but calling it traditional? Oh, come on! You can't have traditional anything in a country with no traditions — where the traditions are almost completely rewritten every century, so they are making this mishmash of things from Russian Empire and Soviet History (in an attempt to appease the left-leaning crowd too, it mostly fails with everyone except ther tankies, and it's still a win as Soviet-era stuff is quite popular among older people domestically), and they call it Russian tradition. Unsurprisingly, some of these things fit together poorly, at times they are outright conflicting, so if you dig a little deeper, this eclectic… thing starts falling apart. But if you start asking questions, you are told to just love your country and by country they mean the state, and by the state they mean those who are currently in power, so yeah… it's basically serfdom. Truth is, Russia never really transitioned to a nation state — it died as an empire, so political nationalism doesn't make sense here — it never really existed, whatever they mean by "nationalism" when they speak of Russia in the Western think-tanks is only an imitation of it. Same with socialism really: in the 30s Stalin started wrapping all the "progressive" things up and restoring them the way they were before with the Tsars. He even restored the Russian Orthodox Church in the wake of WW2 to boost the morale, but of course it was subjugated to the state — the way it was in the Russian Empire and the way it still is now. "Friendship of the peoples" is bullshit too. Left-leaning people in the West love the anti-colonial rhetoric and of course they attempt to apply that to Russia too, but they are doing it wrong. It might be true for Ukraine, but for many Central Asian ethnic majority republics it was the opposite — national cultures weren't being suppressed, but were nurtured during Soviet times, many of these ethnic groups didn't have extensive national cultures and they were vastly expanded, USSR was attempting to win people over with this — of course this was giving rise to local nationalism, by the time of the dissolution of USSR they had national elites and that is why they have mostly managed to split off cleanly. Ukrainians, Belarusians and, it might sound surprising but, Russians were never given that privilege. And it's mostly the same way nowadays — Russians (by which I mean ethnic, Slavic Russians, not those who hold the passport of Russian Federation, who might belong to any ethnic group or culture) do not get any preferential treatment, they are being treated equally to everyone else — and this means equally bad. Numerous times I've seen comments coming from the far-right crowd that Russia is a White majority country and even something like that it's a hope for White Europe, which in their opinion is in decline. This is also bullshit of course — true, we don't have many Black people here, as in African Black. But that's not exactly whom the call non-white here. Muslim folk have their holidays right in Moscow, they occupy whole streets to pray to the point that traffic restrictions get imposed — and of course no one is persecuting them. Girls who get jobs in Central Russia and move here from their Muslim majority regions can get kidnapped by their families are forced to move back and marry the man of their choice — this is happening all the time and law enforcement does nothing: "Well, so is their tradition". Other ethnic and religious groups are being tolerated and sometimes even protected. So how come? Easy — masters do not care what culture the serfs belong to as long as they obey. That's right — Russia is still feudal in nature, its society is in the stage of development that pre-dates nation-states. Under this angle the state capture by a small group is very easy to explain — it's natural!
@iska@iska Why does it not work if hostname gets correctly resolved to local address then? Did you try copying the URL of any image and retreiving it with curl?
@Tony Man, I have a dozen of computers in my household and on most days I find it unhealthy to power on more than just 2-3 of them :marseywise: Oh, come on, don't even start the whole "the amount of computers it is healthy to have around" thing! YOU'RE NOT MY MOM!!! :marseysoycry: @kirby
@theorytoe You definitely should! The new one is a meme movie — doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad one, it's pretty good — very atmospheric, but it's also rather boring, I even fell asleep a couple of times while watching it in the movie theatre. I did rewatch it together with the original later — still isn't as groundbreaking as the original was. "OMG, it's a Nabokov reference!!!" and yes, it does reference the original one quite organically — okay, so what? Again, this doesn't mean that it's a bad movie, but don't hold your expectations too high.