@feld@delta Good write up, thanks! One question: when 2 people are in a conversation, are there any persisted logs of the exchanges between the 2 random email addresses?
@paul_denton Le CW est utile car sur Mastodon vous "poussez" du contenu à vos abonnés. C'est différent d'un lecteur de Libé qui choisit d'aller lire un article. Il n'y a aucun souci à poster ce genre de contenu, et les outils sont là pour que chacun soit libre de choisir comment et quand le consommer (ou pas).
@teleclimber@10leej@ironicbadger Yeah, I think at least the GrayJay situation is an interesting questioning of "how do we sustainably fund open source software?" Their solution has issues, but purely OSS licenses are not sufficient either, and I'm not sure how trademarks help small projects (that works fine enough for something large & well known such as Firefox).
People who claim they want to save #firefox need to get to work and not just toot: create a co-op structure, and convince the top gecko/firefox developers to join it (make sure to not hire the idiots still believing that Firefox is failing today because of the FirefoxOS effort from... 10 years ago). Cutting the oxygen to the current inept MoCo leadership is the only option to be in control. This will be hard but fun.
@lanodan@fluffy@nemo@duskdweller And WebKit is controlled by Apple, which is holding the Web back to promote it's walled garden. It's only a pick your poison situation, with one killing you faster than the other.
@igalia is investing to re-vive @servo which is great and could be a viable alternative but that will take years.