Os influencers de tiktok están convencendo en masa aos adolescentes estadounidenses para pasarse á aplicación xiaohongshu porque a primeira vai ser prohibida en USA and I think that is beautiful.
@eniko Everytime something try to make EU institutions not dependent on Microsoft something happens. German government workers have migrated to libre office and unmigrated back dozens of times. European Linux initiatives have been started and abandoned a bunch. Issues with Outlook have been flagged, some even at the level of national security.
I'm not trying to say that Microsoft has the EU under they control and can do as they please but yes that is exactly what I am saying.
@Rataunderground yo lo llamo "la falacia de la barra de loading" y lo usan mucho. Los comerciales te dicen "la IA ha sacado 60 puntos en un examen de medicina" y lo dejan ahí, permitiendo que la imaginación del público complete la frase. Obviamente el mensaje subliminal es "dentro de unos años sacará 120", apoyándose en que la gente ha asimilado como rutina diaria que los móviles tengan el doble de GB en pocos años. Pero el truco es que NUNCA NADIE HA DEMOSTRADO QUE EXISTE ESA BARRA DE CARGANDO
@sanzky Ostia que curioso! En gallego el diccinario indica "xis" pero todo el mundo que hablamos "castrapo" decimos "tiza". Me encantaría contar con ejemplos de "gis" en español para enseñárselos a quien dice que "xis" es un "invento de los independentistas que nadie usa" xD
@spectrumgirl yo si puedo estar en casa en chanclas, lo desinfecto y lo dejo secar al aire. Si tengo que ponerme zapato, un parche de esos compeed de segunda piel y un vendaje de esparadrapo para aguantarlo en el sitio.
@fanta@Hache Yo le añadiría "no reenvíes respuestas de chatgpt a otras personas". Yo sé usar chatgpt, cualquiera sabe usarlo. Si estoy enviando la pregunta al equipo es implícito que NO me vale la respuesta de chatgpt. Preguntandole en mi lugar no solo no has aportado nada propio que yo no podía hacer; en el peor de los casos la empresa decidirá que no haces falta para hacer el trabajo
Porque por algunha razón a policía española, que xeralmente é incompentente, adquire superpoderes de ciberinvestigación en canto lles asignan como misión eliminar aos inimigos do PP.
Creo que a forma mais rápida de descifrar o Manuscrito Voynich sería esconder unha copia na casa dunha muller de Junts e darlle un chivatazo á Audiencia Nacional de que son papeis cifrados relacionados co independentismo catalán. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voynich_manuscript
@aral Personally I always try to read this as a preventive language to avoid scaring rich people. "we are launching a publicly funded resource but we promise we will not seize your privately run ones unless they really fuck up". I want to think it's not that much that the EU desires for things to be a market, than the need to appease private bankers and The Netherlands least they feel threatened.
@anildash This is a ubiquitious topic on tumblr posts directed at newcoming users from tiktok and twitter: the usual points are 1) there is no algorithm here so there is no benefit 2) you don't have a responsibility to create an advertiser-safe climate for the network owner 3) in fact advertiser-safety usually results in minorities being silenced 4) and full words are successfully removed when people use safety filters but your asterisk is actually breaking their filter settings.
I just saw a toot explaining a useful "youtube fixer" firefox add on that removes "for you..." and "people also search..." from search results.
This made me realize how far we have come the wrong way: we are now in THE AGE OF ADVERSARIAL FEATURE DESIGN. Product creators introduce anti-features to attempt to divert user attention AWAY from what they want. Users are captive to the ecosystem because the software USED TO BE useful, and they actively have to block against new features to keep it so.
@aral Didn't they also recently descalate their mission, from "made with fair trade materials" to "we'll do a best effort to source fair trade materials if possible", IIRC?
Investigador en redes inalámbricas de día, xusticeiro enmascarado polas noites.I don't make typos, that's my typing quark.ele/him/él/oio(@elrohir_ancalin@twitter.com before Numenor fell)