Just found out that there's game dev for TempleOS going on by @crunklord420
Check out their website here;
That was fun to stumble upon.
Just found out that there's game dev for TempleOS going on by @crunklord420
Check out their website here;
That was fun to stumble upon.
@GossiTheDog 19 year old? I thought he was 25 the other day? 😅
@goatsarah frozen veg at it's best
@BrodieOnLinux she looks real to me too.
@BrodieOnLinux are you sure she's not real? 😅
@KenSwe @goatsarah he can't be _that_ dysfunctional if he is/was the richest guy on the planet.
I agree that he does come out with utter drivel sometimes, but that's not all the time, nor everything he says.
@GossiTheDog is it just me or is there no sound?
@benroyce @BeAware @admin You're incorrect. Even if their "opinion" denies someone else's rights, it's still an opinion. Doesn't mean it's right, it's still an opinion. If however they acted on said opinion and actually did something to deny rights of someone, different story.
Until then, it's just opinion.
@benroyce @BeAware @admin who has been denying rights of others with their "opinions" anyway? Can you show me what you are referring to?
@benroyce @BeAware @admin I don't agree with anyone even saying "trans" rights in the same sentence as [another] rights, as far as I'm concerned people have the same right, there's no trans or this or that. What you're doing by adding trans into the mix is segregating. You are the troll here, I believe everyone is equal, even you.
@benroyce @BeAware @admin you are still segregating people by having "trans" in the sentence. Stop doing that. Only when people can see just people, without any preface, will we be able to move on.
@benroyce @BeAware @admin I can assure you I'm not being a troll. I also don't agree with you because you segregate trans people from the rest of people. I don't put people in buckets, everyone belongs to just one bucket; People. That's it. Why must you segregate people?
@benroyce @BeAware @admin Can you explain to me;
a) How me saying I'm not being a troll is considered a weakness in your opinion
b) How Lunduke specifically is actively harming anyone due to his opinions?
I haven't seen *any* evidence Lunduke has actively harmed or caused violence to anyone, trans or otherwise. Please enlighten me with evidence so that I may learn from it and no longer be uneducated.
@benroyce @BeAware @admin I didn't change the topic, I merely asked you to clarify your points to me. If you cannot provide evidence that Lunduke has actually caused harm to someone, then your entire argument is flawed.
I am not trolling you, I just don't agree that you understand what you're trying to argue about. I am not even arguing, you are the one putting people in buckets, not me.
@benroyce @BeAware @admin if you want to believe I am being dishonest that's your prerogative.
'lunduke says "i disrespect trans people"'
Can you show me evidence of this?
'i say "you are a hateful person for disrespecting trans people"'
Can you show me where I have been a hateful person for disrespecting trans people?
I haven't changed the topic, I'm just trying to gain clarity on the topic you argue.
@benroyce @BeAware @admin if you're trying to argue a point, you must be able to back that argument up with evidence, or it's null and void and just an opinion. That's all I'm asking for.
@benroyce @BeAware @admin unfortunately there is no evidence that shows Lunduke saying "I disrespect trans people". Not one bit. Which was the basis of your argument. So as I said before, unless you can provide evidence to your quote, your argument is just an opinion.
You are the troll, not I.
You are the one segregating people, not I.
You are the one being spiteful, not I.
@BeAware @admin so laughing is now a hate crime? Jeesh grow up already. People laugh at each other all the time, it doesn't mean it's violence or anything.
Blimey the other day someone laughed at me when I tripped down a curb crossing the road and nearly stacked it into a lamp post, does that mean that they were being violent to me? NO of course it doesn't. Regarding the other issue, define "transphobic"
@admin @BeAware whether you agree or not with Lunduke or anyone else that has their own opinions, blanket blocking an instance or individual based on their opinions alone negates the idea of inclusion and what the fediverse is about.
If a person directly attacks you, block them all you want, but just because their views are different to yours isn't reason to block a whole instance or person
@jxself @fsf @anonicus @rms yeah that's what I mean by not using the microwave that's wifi-enabled, ideally don't use one that claims to be "smart" at all. imho.
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