Decided to take a look at older Command & Conquer titles being open sourced, there's a lot of caveats around redistribution, game assets, even being able to build the titles but overall I wish more companies did this, it's basically free PR
@niccolove Sure, there's some people who want to say that it's an absolute fact that Mozilla is now selling your data, rather than them just removing the promise that they won't do so. It's kind of like the Google "Don't be evil" thing, yes it's weird to remove that but at the same time if you don't follow it up with anything then it's not a concern in the long run. We know how Google behaves, Mozilla it still remains to be seen.
@niccolove Honestly I find making a good title way harder than the thumbnail, usually I go through through a bunch of iterations to find something I'm happy with.
@niccolove The video you put was really good, I think the main issue was the title. It answered the question straight away so why would anyone want to go and watch it. I would have called it something like "The Mozilla Firefox Situation Is Not That Simple" or "Everyone is wrong about the Mozilla Firefox Situation"
@trafotin@niccolove Yes it is dishonest to be spreading around that Mozilla is 100% selling your data now and people shouldn't do that, however to say that absolutely nothing has changed indicates that you never actually looked at the new Terms Of Use yourself or are intentionally lying about it, the archives are available so you can and should read them for yourself. It's fine if you think the changes aren't a big deal but there were changes made.
Is Mozilla fucking up the push that Servo needs to be revived, is this the start of a trend where when a project leaves Mozilla it does considerably better. It happened to Thunderbird, is it going to happen to Servo?
Another productive COSMIC stream, turns out there's a really stupid way to segfault the app tray, just open an obscene amount of workspaces so the panel overflows.