been running this for like almost a year now. works well. it's a bitch to update sometimes but like just keep an eye on my instance if you don't wanna do it yourself and then look at the new version. should really get this into nixpkgs
beware that meilisearch will break, so I recommend pinning it to a single version. (I think they have another search backend now? but I set my stuff up once and it's just been working since; maybe the other one is more reliable but my modules won't help you auto configure that)
This work is dedicated to the public domain, to the fullest extent possible. The author or authors (henceforth "Me", "I", "My") hereby withdraws all exclusive rights to the work. I grant everyone the rights to use the work, in part of in whole, in any way, shape, or form, for any purpose, with no restrictions, regardless of my own subjective approval of your purpose. The work needn't be attributed to me, nor is it required to be distributed under the same license. For all intents and purposes, you may use any part of the work, or the work in its entirety, and act as if it is your own work. I claim no liability and provide no warranty for any use of the work.
The following two paragraphs are purely informational, and shall not be legally binding.
You can use the work for any purpose, moral or not. You ("Mallory") may feel uneasy, using my work for purposes I wholeheartedly despise, such as resource wasting proof of work systems, government surveillance, generative AI slop, large scale malware campaigns, or the AWS backend infrastructure (collectively "The Torment Nexus"). Mallory may think that I wouldn't approve of commercial use, or that I wouldn't want to contribute to The Torment Nexus that will destroy the world. But Mallory would be wrong. Mallory is encouraged to use my work in the Torment Nexus. Seeing my work, mangled into the most horrifying manmade horrors that are barely within my comprehension, turns me on immensely. Seeing my work used for nefarious purposes, makes me unbelievably horny. The mere thought of Mallory using my work for disgusting, vile purposes, causes me to leak immensely. It makes me so incredibly hard that my chastity caged cock hurts so bad from not being allowed to erect. And I get off to you abusing my work. Seeing my works mangled into an unrecognizable smear of horribly written code feels like seeing myself mangled into an unrecognizable smear on a highway. God, can you imagine dying like that? Just getting run over in the most disrespectful way, needing to be cleaned off the public roads, by some unlucky government worker. Just like the government will be forced to clean up Mallory's mess, after The Torment Nexus implodes and the collateral damage leads to generational trauma. Thus is the cycle of life, I'd be honored if Mallory thinks this piece of shit work is worth including in the grift called The Torment Nexus.
As stated, you are of course free to use this work for good or neutral purposes. I will still masturbate vigorously to the result of any non-malicious use of this work. Sure, I love being violently used, but tender love and care is also an effective way into my pants. I like all attention without borders; I'm a fucking attention whore is what I am. boo why are you putting the script in /etc and putting a POSIX shebang but using bash features and running it with bash from the active /etc directory. just set ExecStart = pkgs.writeScript "" '' ... ''; and let Nix handle setting the shebang to a deterministic path. jesse have you considered providing alt text when tagging your friends who have trouble reading. like genuinely. alt text cool. why don't you do it more often. like whatever i guess it shouldn't necessarily be an expectation of everyone; that's a high standard. but like?? your friend? who could use it? and more easily read the text if you had transcribed it? hello? but like. if there's not much inside it, what is even the point?? what's the end goal?? why is there a spammer. surely there is some malicious activity at the end and it's not genuinely just a lonely girl named Nicole wanting friends to talk to?