"Personnel is policy." The only thing Trump would need to do is putting the right people in place. That and outright shutting down a few agencies and money flows to NGOs.
But his track record of putting the right people in charge and supporting them is abysmal.
The first tell on how things will be is whether he pardons all the Jan 6 people on day one in office.
How do they have cars to drive crash? Who gave them driver's licenses, if they even have one? Who sold them cars (if they don't have licenses)? How did they pay for dem cars? How did any of this happen?
The current calculus is whether it's worth police showing up and gunning you down or throwing you into a hole for the rest of your life. The calculus will change once policing of whites "goes away" or becomes significantly less effective. Since jews know this, they'll keep policing whites up as long as possible. It'll be the very last thing that goes.
And remember, there are still liberals in South Africa. Civilization can die with a whimper.
But it's really strange. They never question anything, never wonder what's true. Just immediately barf up the next MSNBC soundbite about "orange fascist" or something similarly inane. No thought at all, just reaction like programmed cockatoo in a cult. It's quite shocking.
He who dares not offend cannot be honest. - Thomas PaineThe object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Marcus AureliusThe closer the collapse of the Empire, the crazier its laws are. - Marcus Tullius CiceroThe more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws. - Tacitus