@BeAware@norberteder thanks for the perspective on this. I didn't think about this.
For pixelfed accounts it's really annoying to follow people with really great pictures and not being able to like or comment because you don't see them. I fail to see how we can explain this to non tech savvy folks.
@BeAware@norberteder this is a solvable problem. A backfiller should be available on every instance imho. It will make adopting and the overall usability of the fediverse so much better. In my opinion this should be the most important stuff to be added.
@dansup@mike@pixelfed can't wait! Will it be dark mode for visiting users, when I set it to dark mode? This is the only thing bugging me with the old one, that visiting users see it completely different than I do.
@dansup@dvdp@pixelfed first thing I noticed is that scroll position in your own profile is not being saved, when switching to another app and back. Don't know if it's intentional. The discover tab is completely blank, no header, just a spinning circle until it is rendered. Suggested profiles show with "0 followers" ( likely an issue when running a single user instance like I am doing). When selecting a suggested hashtag, lots of pics stay gray squares.
@dansup@dvdp@pixelfed distributing apks via firebase to patreons would also be nice. It really sucks to be stuck on an older beta because there are no newer apks available. You're limiting feedback as well like this. But I am in no position to complain I know.
@dansup@pixelfed then my first post might have been not precise enough. I was talking about the little square in the compose dialog. Also the same is most likely used for alt-text. Would be nice to have this bigger
@dansup@pixelfed will the image preview for uploads and alt-text be bigger in metro 5? And conserve the aspect ratio? That's my main gripe with the current UI
Thanks to the newish edit function in #pixelfed all my pictures now have alt-text. I'm close to having all images described in german and english. Thanks to @dansup for making inclusion easier to achieve!
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