@ghost_letters Oh wow! I tried going there before I saw your comment and I got an hour wait just to view the site. I bet their team is having a really interesting day.
Another warning about these AI devices. I'm probably more pro-AI than many who will read this, but if you're going to use AI it should be as open as possible and local. People spent hundreds of dollars on these devices, and as of March they won't even be good as a paperweight. There's a possibility someone can hack these and extend their life somehow, but I wouldn't hold out hope.
@kev Meh, my blog is for me to write, not for discoverability. I don't even have a view counter. When I write something, I'm not sure if a million people read it, or just me. More than likely, just me. Frankly, that's fine. I mean, it would be nice if a couple people read it, but even if they don't I'm still going to write it.
#Vivaldi 7.1 has been released with some cool new features. I've already started updating my Dashboard with more customized feel. The tab sharing looks intriguing. Vivaldi already syncs between devices, but this looks like a more instant and convenient way to bring things up. I haven't had a lot of luck making this work yet, but it could be because the mobile version hasn't caught up to this feature. All in all, a nice solid release.
@tim It's a very fine line, and crossing to the wrong side of it can actually hurt your cause. Unfortunately (and especially on social media) what can be meant to be helpful can come across as "reply guy" and dismissed out of hand. Extreme care needs to be taken, and often it's not.
I love reading physical books over ebooks. The feel, the smell, the whole experience is just better. But then you put those books in a box and move them, and all that good will is lost. epub is fine. I'm good with epub.
There's a new "Year in Review" feature that's due out for Mastodon 4.4. I don't have any insider knowledge about when that release is going to drop. Some are excited for this feature and others are dreading it. Please, when we get this feature, if you're going to share your results, use the # Wrapstodon hashtag. This will make it easier for those interested to find your post, and easier for those not interested to filter it. Thanks!
Just listened to @brucelawson interview @evan on For A Better Web. They talked extensively about the Social Web Foundation and ActivityPub in general. There was some interesting information in there to go with their conversation. Worth the listen in my opinion.
One of my neighbors is currently using a gas powered hedge trimmer on something (I can hear it but I haven't looked out the window for specifics) and singing at the top of his lungs. He's actually not bad, but I'm not sure about his choice of accompaniment.
@s31bz Yea, absolutely she could, but you should see this computer she's using. If my house ever burns down, it's going to be because of that laptop. The battery is swollen to the point the touchpad has popped out of the housing, and she still uses it. Her company sent a new one for her, but she just doesn't want to migrate to the other computer. It's quite literally scary to look at.
Husband, father, nerd. Half human, half Fosstodon Admin. Tends to tell Dad Jokes.Don't feel obligated, but if you feel like buying me a coffee, I won't say no... :cupofcoffee: https://ko-fi.com/mikestone :cupofcoffee: