@ins0mniak@Doll@Leyonhjelm@dj@lanodan@p@pwm i'll take a trashy lady on occasion provided she has good hygiene. hygiene issues and cluster-b personality disorders are my full-stops.
best approach from experience has been sitting down at a cafe, cracking the laptop open, and hacking on shit. the right type of woman will take notice and sit down.
this takes a long time to realize and it's a low-yield situation. but if you come up empty-handed you still have some cursed code to have fun with.
there are exceptions. like that one jap chick p and i chatted up. she was cool, and from la. i still chat her up from time to time. oh and she gave me a really nice haircut.
Former scene chick sees @jae and looks at him like she would have jumped the counter if he'd said "Get in my car and let's just ride until we run out of gas." He acquires number. THIS SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN A WHOLESOME STORY
Best time to meet chicks around here is coming up, I'll see how I feel about it but something about spring and the sudden nice weather. Everyone tries to get out of the house and hang out.
@ins0mniak@Doll@Leyonhjelm@dj@lanodan@p@pwm there's a shortcut especially if you're doing the wholefoods thing still. i've got an instruction manual on how to pickup ladies at the grocery store. more on this later after i finish works
> Former scene chick sees @jae and looks at him like she would have jumped the counter if he'd said "Get in my car and let's just ride until we run out of gas."
at first i thought we were playing nostalgia for la since she knew our haunts and stomping grounds. then she gave me the eyes. not the "stab you in the neck with a pickle fork" eyes, but the eyes. i sat down with my cofe and we hacked and discussed the flavor of the city.
as i left she texted me and it sort of unfolded from there. she's pretty cool, although being in her late 20s she's got her head in the insta/meta bullshit and that's incompatible with my life. i told her about fedi and she said "oh that mastodon thing?" lol.
> He acquires number.
via unnecessary subterfuge. although she did cut my hair, thus the circle was completed in that regard.
to address the detailed story i relayed earlier, we needed to balance the scale.
@jae@Doll@Leyonhjelm@dj@ins0mniak@lanodan@pwm A complaint the ex had about me was that if someone asked how I was doing, half the time I would "freeze like a deer in the headlights" and I told her that, professionally, it is good that I seem weird because people expect engineers to be socially terrible but she didn't buy it.
we made do with what we had. i'm not very good at small talk and breaking the ice. it's usually, "sup, oh shit did you see that rob pike video from 2008?"
my boss asked me how my weekend was yesterday. i came close to being honest. had to make up some shit "oh yeah i played nintendo switch high on solder then started doing he-man bong rips of gas station weed while chanting albanian folklore curses".
> it's usually, "sup, oh shit did you see that rob pike video from 2008?"
This is reasonable.
> my boss asked me how my weekend was yesterday. i came close to being honest.
"Mac's famous mac and cheese."
> had to make up some shit "oh yeah i played nintendo switch high on solder then started doing he-man bong rips of gas station weed while chanting albanian folklore curses".
I used to care, but now I just tell people what I did, secure in the knowledge that they can't stop me. bonerfartedupgirl.jpg
True are the nightmares of a person that fears. / Safe are the bodies of the silent world. / Turn pretty flower, turn towards the sun for you shall grow and sow. / But the flower reaches too high and withers in the burning light. / Get out your bricks — / Pussy Cat, Pussy Cat went to London to seek fame and fortune. / Faith must not be lost for this shall be your redeemer.
I don't know which thing but I'm hoping it's Dorothy Parker suggesting people suggesting that people falsely attribute clever things to me and not the male prostitutes or a jailhouse conversion to Catholicism.
> it'll take a while until im comfy telling my boss that i coded for 5hrs straight with the cop's wife under my desk.
I have affected a lot of things that make me seem more like a "tech guy" in my career. That need has relaxed some but that used to necessarily include attire. Too much business and strangers question your engineer cred.
Once I got asked by a firm I was working with to drop by a different client I had not worked for previously after my day finished and I told them I was not dressed for first contact. They said that was fine, it was an emergency, needed to go to the server room and be the one who called warranty support so they could get accurate information on some faulty hardware. Not my usual but good enough.
I showed up and they almost called security. The manager came out and saw me in my band T-shirt and combat trousers, and asked if I had business with them. I told them I was the "Linux guy you called $COMPANY for" and they were overjoyed and immediately led me to the server room.
Funny thing is I'd had a high end dinner with her at a charity event not a month before. I dressed appropriately to the event and sat right next to her. We had a great conversation. I don't think she even realized I was an engineer because I know how to do this social shit.
> I have affected a lot of things that make me seem more like a "tech guy" in my career.
Luckily for me, I'm a weird fucker anyway. All the effort to not seem like I was quite as spergy as I am (unfortunately there exists no way to conceal a brain lockup), so I just stopped caring and eventually figured out that people react better when you seem like they expect you to seem. The only time I have to act is when someone quotes the Star War of the Ring and I have to stifle the retching.
On the other hand, St. Terry didn't bother concealing his contempt.
> That need has relaxed some but that used to necessarily include attire. Too much business and strangers question your engineer cred.
Entirely accurate. When I was 18, I wore a suit and tie to job interviews because I heard that was how it worked. That is not remotely how it works, which is delightful, but I wish I had known earlier.
> I showed up and they almost called security. The manager came out and saw me in my band T-shirt and combat trousers, and asked if I had business with them. I told them I was the "Linux guy you called $COMPANY for" and they were overjoyed and immediately led me to the server room.
> Funny thing is I'd had a high end dinner with her at a charity event not a month before. I dressed appropriately to the event and sat right next to her. We had a great conversation. I don't think she even realized I was an engineer because I know how to do this social shit.
Reminds me of that experiment where they had a cashier duck behind the counter to get something and another cashier would pop up, sometimes one of a different race, and people almost never noticed.
@p@dj@pwm@Doll@jae@ins0mniak@lanodan@Leyonhjelm I'm quite good at it my self, but the reason why people fail in more cases than others is makeing it go on to long or not having a good reason to start making it in the first place.
> Luckily for me, I'm a weird fucker anyway. All the effort to not seem like I was quite as spergy as I am (unfortunately there exists no way to conceal a brain lockup), so I just stopped caring and eventually figured out that people react better when you seem like they expect you to seem. The only time I have to act is when someone quotes the Star War of the Ring and I have to stifle the retching.
I grew up in a weird-rich environment that gamified learning to act normal. The adjustments I had to make were to professionally mesh with the stereotypes rather than being my own brand of weird. But the gamified environment taught me the skills people interpret as "business acumen"
> Entirely accurate. When I was 18, I wore a suit and tie to job interviews because I heard that was how it worked. That is not remotely how it works, which is delightful, but I wish I had known earlier.
I wore a suit and tie to that company I was consulting for's interview. They almost didn't interview me because it made them believe I was a poor fit for the job. They told me this after hiring and told me never to wear a tie to anything for that job/company again.
> Reminds me of that experiment where they had a cashier duck behind the counter to get something and another cashier would pop up, sometimes one of a different race, and people almost never noticed.
Yep. That told me everyhting I needed to know about that manager that I had not had the opportunity to pick up at the dinner.
you told me a story about a boxing coach or something destroying oscar wilde. i'd like to know the story. between not sleeping, scene chick, and a weed my memory is not sharp
> you told me a story about a boxing coach or something destroying oscar wilde.
The Marquess of Queensberry, John Douglas ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Douglas,_9th_Marquess_of_Queensberry ), after whom the current boxing rules are named, because he wrote them. He was going to be in the House of Lords but refused to recite the "Christian nonsense" part of the oath and he also hated London. His son got caught up in all the London degeneracy and killed himself at 20, so when his younger son was 16 and ran off with Oscar Wilde, he went down to London to look for him, left a business card for Wilde at a club he frequented and wrote on the back, "Called for Oscar Wilde, posing sodomite". Wilde sued him for libel (which was a criminal offense in England back then, and I think still is), and his defense was basically "I said he was posing as a sodomite, not that he was a sodomite" and he also hired a bunch of private investigators to interview Oscar Wilde's favorite male prostitutes and then presented all of that to the court, so the court dropped the charges, and he then handed all the evidence to the police, which is how Wilde ended up in prison.
> my memory is not sharp
No worries, I can barely remember last year before :brucecampbell::callmesnake:.