@rher@Yoruka@HopperMCS@Zergling_man the fact that I saw blender in the credits for evangelion 3.0+1.0 being boldly displayed with its logo and everything gives me major hopium for the future of foss software.
It is correct that any free software program with significant development work put into it keeps improving until it has no parallel and then it keeps getting better.
No proprietary compiler compares to GNU Compiler Collection, no proprietary shell compares to GNU bash, no proprietary COBOL implementation compares to GNU Cobol, no proprietary kernel compares to GNU Linux-libre, no proprietary OS compares to the rich functionality of the GNU Emacs OS and so on; https://www.gnu.org/software/
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@rher@Zergling_man i developed trust in them as they started off as closed source software then made the willing jump the open source pastures. Fun fact, blender actually got started as a program for silicon graphics workstations.
>The new generations can't be bothered to give a shit unfortunately. Most people haven't been advised that free software is even a thing (https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html) and a fully free OS exists, written to give the users freedom - without that knowledge, why would anyone care?
>being off the grid He has no need for fixed power or internet - all he needs is enough power to charge his thinkpad (battery life is very long if you run Emacs in fbcon) and internet for a few minutes a day to receive and send emails.
Nah, he didn't do my mom otherwise I'd be related to him, and ngl I wouldn't be mad if I had Stallman's genes, the dude is a fucking legend in tech history despite his looks.
That said, he failed to see that he should have been harder on hardware being open source. The new generations can't be bothered to give a shit unfortunately. I do commend him for hanging on top using cash and being off the grid for as long as he has, that's hard to do.
You tell people that free means freedom, not gratis, no matter what marketing conmen say and you are not talking about gratis software and they will understand and won't make the same mistake ever again.
Meanwhile, trying to explain the 10 requirements of the "osd" is a hopeless endeavor; https://opensource.org/osd
Before you start crying I use open source interchangeably with "free", but the problem with using the word "free" is the ensuing market blunder. People will assume you mean free beer, always, every time, regardless of how you feel about it.
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@waff@rher@Zergling_man >you been to a computer science classroom recently? I've been to a classroom about computing semi-recently (actual computer science classrooms are pretty rare, as that's the materials and electrical science of manufacturing computers).
>get mad when you tell them they have to take a mandatory course requiring a rawdog command line Maybe they will get less mad if you tell them that they are about to experience the freedom of GNU bash, which may look like the horribleness of DOS or windows cmd or powers hell, but has none of the limitations.
>If they can't even be assed to understand the UNIX philosophy GNU's Not Unix.
They will understand that a group of freedom enjoyers have got together to develop a 100% free OS to give the users freedom in computing, no matter what it took if you tell them.
Have you been to a computer science classroom recently? Half these motherfuckers get mad when you tell them they have to take a mandatory course requiring a rawdog command line. If they can't even be assed to understand the UNIX philosophy, how in the fresh hell do you think they're gonna give a rat's ass about Stallman's philosophical tangents?
All of Unix®'s libraries etc were re-implemented from scratch so existing free software could be compiled and worked, but now GNU has gone far beyond anything Unix could ever hope to be.
GNU Linux-libre and GNU Hurd are both supported kernels and GNU Emacs runs just as well on either.
GNU/Linux-libre is indeed complete enough to use a computer in freedom; https://gnu.org/software/ and the whole idea was that completion would be when a computer user could use a recent computer in freedom again and they reached that, but kept going.
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@waff@rher@Zergling_man Since removing it would break federation and they could have just waited a few more months for AP to be implemented, or even helped the GNU Social developers out implementing it faster and then remove it.
Instead, they just removed it and a bunch of instances updated and broke federation.
I run fully free software with Nouveau on a 780 Ti, which Linux-libre does not touch, as everything is free software, including the free peripheral software they wrote.
All Linux-libre does is not force proprietary software onto the user.
Linux-libre helpfully patches numerous GPU drivers so they operate, that otherwise refuse to function totally without proprietary software.
If you want proprietary peripheral software that doesn't respect your freedom to be loaded up onto your GPU, you have the freedom to add it to CONFIG_EXTRA_FIRMWARE="" and compile and install that version and it will be loaded.
Mastodon implements AP, but always in an incompatible way, thus by default federation is broken to non-Mastodon and Pleroma and GNU Social developers have had to go and implement Mastodon's API for federation to work.
It was originally StatusNet, but as always, it was GNU who did the hard work that got it to work usably.
Is it Mastodon's job to worry about whether or not other software projects follow the open AP spec? It's not Mastodon who created it, it's the guy who created StatusNet (or as you call it GNU Social) ironically.
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@waff@rher@Zergling_man >to just compile their kernel and specific mods needed to make their hardware work They you are using a computer, you should be willing to learn how to use it, especially doing something as trivial as compiling a kernel.
If you aren't, that's okay, but you should stop using computers, as that would be best for you.
A configuration file edit is not a mod.
The whole concept is that it is not their hardware, as it doesn't work without proprietary software - really they should get hardware that is theirs, or get together and sue the manufacturer for their GPLv2 violations and demand the complete corresponding source under the GPLv2.
>your average normie doesn't know what to make of a simple error message 90% +/- of the time They should learn or stop using computers.
"Tell users who have no experience compiling software, parsing docs and man pages, to just compile their kernel and specific mods needed to make their hardware work"
Bruh your average normie doesn't know what to make of a simple error message 90% +/- of the time
This is a dumb argument but your average user doesn't care and isn't going to bother with that. They want to use their office software and play their games. No amount of "this is freedom" is gonna fix this and you know that lmfao
@HopperMCS@rher@waff@Yoruka@Suiseiseki "oh no I deliberately bought hardware with chains on it and now I can't take them off, how could this possibly be happening to me"
Okay, so for those of us who don't use Thinkpads, it's a bastardization. In order to take advantage of my 4050 Ti, I need PRIME, which Noubeau absolutely does not offer 🫢
@HopperMCS@Zergling_man@waff@Yoruka@rher If you are unwilling to learn to do something as trivial as that, you indeed are a total clown and have no business near a computer.
@HopperMCS@rher@waff@Yoruka@Suiseiseki >Bruh your average normie doesn't know what to make of a simple error message 90% +/- of the time This conversation isn't about "your average normie". They don't belong anywhere near a computer. Do not make excuses for them.
No, I use Arch btw. I'm educated, but the overwhelming vast majority of people can't use a GUI effectively. Taking electronics away from people because they don't think exactly like you is a retarded take.
So what is your most successful method to convert someone who's never touched a line of C in his life to make the switch and not immediately get pissed at you 6 months down the line?
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@waff@rher@Zergling_man Computers should be built for computer users, a certain subset which should be programmers, but not all computer users need to be programmers.
But as it turns out, even secretaries who don't consider themselves to be programmers learn how to program when the instructions for using GNU Emacs note how to program Emacs without calling it programmers.
Arch is for nu-males, not programmers.
Any boss would be able to use a computer with a basic level of competency if they were willing to learn how to carry out tasks efficiently with a computer - alas microsoft or apple or google or intel or amd or nvidia and many more are always there, ready to totally prevent such learning before it can even begin with their proprietary software.
I'm not talking about me, I'm a programmer using a system built by programmers for programmers. God I can't wait to tell my boss she can't use the computer until she compiles her damn kernel! 😂😂😂
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@waff@rher@Zergling_man >if you've ever ran into an error compiling a kernel, you'd know sometimes it requires you to delve into kernel code. Not every build is successful lol Not at all?
You just install the missing GNU dependencies, select the correct GCC version or edit the screwed config and then it compiles - none of which requires delving into the code, just reading the gcc error and thinking how that error would be corrected.
>but not forced on everyone. It's a decision the user has to make to educate themselves. Unfortunately many people don't have the ability to make such decision, as a nonfree system is forced onto them.
>While we're at it, how do I make my iPhone free software? You'll have to ask a cryptographer who is also skilled at reverse engineering to break all of the digital handcuffs before anyone can consider porting GNU/Linux-libre - reverse engineering the hardware and writing free drivers.
Some devices would work just fine without proprietary software, alas postmarketos pushes only nonfree versions of Linux onto people and includes all of the proprietary software by default.
@Suiseiseki@Yoruka@HopperMCS@rher@Zergling_man i still dont get why rms doesnt use gnu social and prefers to use mastadon. I do like my gnu social fedi account but it seems odd rms doesnt use what he personally promoted more.
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@waff@rher@Zergling_man >proprietary games that more often than not doesn't support that older hardware. The only proprietary games that won't run are those sabotaged with digital handcuffs or total incompetence, but all of such games are such utterly garbage that anyone with any sanity wouldn't play them.
All other proprietary games will at least run, alas many are so poorly optimized that even on a 32 core KGPE-D16 with a 780 Ti, they won't be playable.
As everyone here has pointed out, there's hardware that you can buy that doesn't fuck with your freedoms. But the average user wants to play proprietary games that more often than not doesn't support that older hardware. I don't know about everyone else, but life is too short to deny certain experiences in life.
@HopperMCS@Zergling_man@waff@Yoruka@rher "FOSS" is degeneracy - it tries to find a middle ground between freedom and corporate bootlicking and everyone also assumes it means gratis, source-available software too.
Playing proprietary games is not good for your freedom, as you don't even have the freedom to share them.
In some cases proprietary games have been cloned, allowing people to play, share and/or modify such without losing their freedom.
If playing Fallout 4 or god forbid Pokémon on a Nintendo Switch is wrong, I don't wanna be right lmao
For my server and main PC I'll use the software up to its limits. If a foss version becomes available, I'll switch to that but I'm not a luddite like you guys.
@HopperMCS@rher@waff@Yoruka@Suiseiseki > I don't know about everyone else, but life is too short to deny certain experiences in life. This is basically an argument for sin. Please stop doing this to yourself.
But seriously, if I want to game like the rest of the population I'll find a way. You realize the main argument people have against GNU/Linux is the antithesis of what you want, right? 😂
Many people play free software games without even realizing it.
Proprietary games are an antithesis of the very reason GNU was written.
No matter what I say or do, people will continue to run proprietary games on GNU/Linux, which is bad, but slightly less bad then them running the games on windows.
It would be an error to claim that "GNU/Linux doesn't do games", as it runs the most games out of any OS - GNU/Linux ones, GNU Emacs ones, BSD ones, games for many other systems via emulators and even windows ones via WINE.
It is a character from a hand drawn 漫画 series and I believe the アニメ series were hand drawn too - either of which you can enjoy without running any proprietary software.
>a closed source game made for the proprietary platform known as windows I am not opposed to "closed source", I am opposed to proprietary software.
The first few Touhou games were for the PC-98 - the windows versions came later.
>that which zun put also on steam to thwart online piracy which in addition added drm to the games. I figure zun put some versions on steam to get more money by making it more convenient that online sharing and of course steam implements digital handcuffs by default.
Piracy is theft and murder with the help of a boat - generally sharing information with your neighbors would be a good thing, although not in the case where you're distributing proprietary software.
>Sure, you can say fangames are sometimes made free software Taisei is indeed free software and I enjoy playing that.
@Suiseiseki@Yoruka@HopperMCS@rher@Zergling_man bruh your icon is a touhou character...a closed source game made for the proprietary platform known as windows, that which zun put also on steam to thwart online piracy which in addition added drm to the games. Sure, you can say fangames are sometimes made free software but if you are talking about the sole franchise I mean....come on man. Though to be fair not many touhou fans actually play the games.
@HopperMCS@rher@Suiseiseki@Yoruka@waff "Hey man, if you don't stop bashing yourself in the head with that hammer I'm gonna confiscate it" "IT'S HIS RIGHT TO BASH HIMSELF IN THE HEAD WITH A HAMMER IF HE WANTS"
No, you're retarded. You can't sit here and screech about freedom only when it favors your philosophy. It's the user's choice not to use free software, not the other way around.
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@waff@rher@Zergling_man If you are going to run proprietary games, please do not immorally funding proprietary software distributors/developers - at least run unauthorized copies instead of giving them more money.
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@Suiseiseki@rher@Zergling_man to be fair compilation has been made far easier these days with things like makepkg and slackbuild. And if you have an odd os you just need to read one of those pkgbuild files you download off the aur and it gives detailed instructions on both your dependencies and what you need to do to compile. 90% of the time I dont know what I am copying and pasting into the terminal but I end up with a finished binary. Keep in mind I am not a programmer.
Yeah, but these guys don't want the middle ground, they want the hardest way possible. Users shouldn't have to compile their kernel to use their PC, the kernel should be available to compile and modify if the user so desires. I'm for choice over ideology.
@Suiseiseki@Yoruka@HopperMCS@rher@Zergling_man you can make artix as free as parabola if you choose. It just offers the options of nonfree packages if you so decide to go that way and it doesnt make it difficult. Making the free options and nonfree options on an equal playing field in terms of accessibility is what I desire most in my os. My older 32 bit pc runs parabola like a glove though by the way, the machine doesnt even have sse2.
If you learned about the consequences of proprietary software and all the proprietary malware and the malicious functionalities, you'd be more extreme than me.
Piracy is a negative term that refers to theft and murder with the help of a boat and using it incorrectly to refer to either unauthorized or prohibited copying isn't a badge of honor - what would be a badge of honor is saying that you enjoy sharing information with your neighbors.
@Suiseiseki@Yoruka@HopperMCS@rher@Zergling_man o wait ur rite. Im retarded lul. It looked like a touhou character from a distance XDD. I dont know I see the word pirate as a badge of honor the way rms sees the word hacker.
@Suiseiseki@HopperMCS@rher@Zergling_man you don't even control the firmware in your router's nearest neighbor stop being such a gay nerd and go running more
@HopperMCS@professionalbigot69@rher@Zergling_man The software a remote router runs impacts the freedom of who hosts the router, but not you and they should run free software for their own freedoms sake.
It does impact your security, thus you need to use encryption.
Of course we need a GNU internet, with routers composed of computers that run 100% free software, but of course there's GNUnet; https://gnu.org/software/gnunet
>one who shares files freely and openly to those who so desire them. You're one who shares information with their neighbors - I'm not sure why you would be afraid to say that instead of smearing yourself.
>would refer to them as people who try and cause malicious harm to anyone so long as they recieve a profit at the end. That would be a fraudster.
They often call anyone who commits any crime that happens to involve a computer a "hacker", rather than describing the crime.
Those who break computer security are in fact crackers, although in certain cases the cracking process requires playful cleverness to pull off - but the media doesn't say that, as someone could learn something.
@Suiseiseki@Yoruka@HopperMCS@rher@Zergling_man well it depends on what you mean by it. When I am referring to myself as a pirate I am not referring to myself as a rape and pillager but one who shares files freely and openly to those who so desire them. The same thing with a hacker. If you asked a newsanchor what a hacker was they would refer to them as people who try and cause malicious harm to anyone so long as they recieve a profit at the end.
There is no precise way to determine how many GNU/Linux desktop users there are, as it doesn't spy on the users.
~5.5 billion people use GNU/Linux indirectly via all the routers on the internet and all the webservers and all the other important servers that need to work that run GNU/Linux.
GNU/Linux greatly assisted getting the internet to work and to scale (the internet couldn't possibly have gotten as big as it is now if routers ran fully proprietary OS's, that cannot be easily fixed, or at all, that have a per install cost) and also consider the GNU Zebra BGP implementation.
Have a landline phone or a fax line? That's most likely served by asterisk (or degenerately a proprietary version) on GNU/Linux.
Have a mobile phone? That's most likely served by asterisk on GNU/Linux and the computers that control the mobile towers likely run GNU/Linux too.
Android wouldn't have been possible without GNU, too bad Android doesn't include GNU, to prevent the users from having freedom.
Access any popular website? That's usually being served from Apache or nginx or lighttpd, running on GNU/Linux.
I can keep going, but it's only really useful if I was to go into the specifics.
All free software depends on the solid rock of GNU libraries and GNU software like GCC, GNU autotools and GNU make etc.
Yet, few people have heard of this wonderful fully free OS (could it be because a proprietary agenda pushes the idea of "Linux" hard, so people never end up learning of the existence of GNU, or get the wrong idea as to what it is about).
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@Suiseiseki@rher@Zergling_man i think theyre both forks of arch but had their own seperate philosophies and maintainers. Parabola kept to the gnu philosophy (and also kept archlinux32 support) whereas hyperbola started out as a gnu/linux distro and now is transitioning to bsd. I just checked their site tho and it seems they are walking that back a bit so who knows, theyre being prettt wishy washy
Parabola? Isn't that a distro? Yeah, what pisses me off is the black and white mentality. Everything for these guys is for and against when it doesn't have to be that way. I don't particularly care for eg Torvalds myself, but at the end of the day there's not a whole lot that can be done about it.
@HopperMCS@Suiseiseki@Yoruka@rher@Zergling_man as much as their opinions on free software may piss you off you gotta understand these extremes are necessary to keep some software pure and free of bad actors trying to slip their profiteering schemes into what previously would have been considered good software. A great example of this would be what is going on right now with hyperbola. The main maintainer if hyperbola by the way is also a soyboy cucked faggot.
I have, and I also live in reality. Some software I want to run doesn't conform, and I'm able to run it alongside "free" software. You FSF people are exhausting, I never understood why some people hated you until I ran into the diehards irl. You guys give it a bad name, your friend over here is literally calling people trannies over disagreement of opinion. C'mon, man.
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@rher@Zergling_man >Arch server in my homelab using Jellyfin, chosen for its GPL license. Jellyfin is claimed to be GPLv2-ambigious, but I suspect Jellyfin contains proprietary software and therefore the developers infringe each others license (just like how Linux developers infringes each others GPLv2-only license by adding proprietary software or developing proprietary derivative work).
>Primarily you're just mad about the BSD license. There is no singular "BSD license".
There is the BSD 4-clause, 3-clause, 2-clause, 1-clase and 0-clause.
All are weak licenses that don't defend the users freedom and 4-clause BSD is incompatible with all GPL family licenses.
>Linux is a clone of the UNIX kernel False.
The only thing that Linux cloned was the monolithic design, everything else was written from scratch.
>GNU is a clone of the UNIX userland. False.
GNU set out to write a wholly free OS from scratch, but compatibility for Unix API's was implemented so free software written for Unix would compile and work.
GNU started writing a kernel in early 1991, while Linus only started writing a kernel for GNU in late 1991.
You can install GNU on Android via Termux and it's suddenly less useless.
>created because the devs think GNU is too bloated That was not why BusyBox was written - it was written so that garbage routers with only a few MiB of storage could run a clone of GNU.
Android It does not use BusyBox - it uses toybox, as that had a weak license, but toybox is as useful as a box of toys.
An OS is more than a kernel and a coreutils - Android also contains all the other software it needs to run - with all inferior implementations of what GNU/Linux has to offer, all under weak licenses.
@menherahair@HopperMCS@rher@Zergling_man Toybox is licensed under the 0-clause BSD (i.e. please take this software and attack humanity with it without even giving me credit for writing it as I hate humanity just that much).
@HopperMCS@Suiseiseki@rher@Zergling_man busybox was created specifically for embedded systems. some of the utils actually implement GNU extensions because they're nice to have. Today android uses toybox which "split" (in reality all new code) from busybox pretty much over licensing (GPL2 vs 3+).
Both GNU and Linux make no effort to replicate Unix's functionality - all they implemented was the library support required to get existing free software to compile.
Unix software had things like arbitrary file-size limits and loaded things into RAM in chunks, while GNU software was designed to be incompatible and have no such limits and also read whole files straight into memory - making GNU more reliable and faster than Unix ever was.
So still not GNU. I'm sure if I rooted my phone (at this point you need a Pixel for that) I'm sure I could unlock the bootloader and put something GNU on there, but truth be told I prefer to keep the CLI on my PC, not my phone. I can't do banking from the command line.
@HopperMCS@Yoruka@rher@Zergling_man Jellyfin is NOT licensed under the GPLv2-only - there is only a copy of the GPLv2 dumped in the project root - there is no copyright headers or any comment noting which files such license applies to.
Grepping, all I can find for "GPL" is as below; MediaBrowser.Model/MediaBrowser.Model.csproj: <PackageLicenseExpression>GPL-3.0-only</PackageLicenseExpression> MediaBrowser.Common/MediaBrowser.Common.csproj: <PackageLicenseExpression>GPL-3.0-only</PackageLicenseExpression> README.md:<img alt="GPL 2.0 License" src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/jellyfin/jellyfin.svg"/> Emby.Naming/Emby.Naming.csproj: <PackageLicenseExpression>GPL-3.0-only</PackageLicenseExpression> Jellyfin.Data/Jellyfin.Data.csproj: <PackageLicenseExpression>GPL-3.0-only</PackageLicenseExpression> src/Jellyfin.Extensions/Jellyfin.Extensions.csproj: <PackageLicenseExpression>GPL-3.0-only</PackageLicenseExpression> MediaBrowser.Controller/MediaBrowser.Controller.csproj: <PackageLicenseExpression>GPL-3.0-only</PackageLicenseExpression>
As GPLv2-only is not compatible with GPLv3-only, that doesn't seem correct.
As far as I can tell, Jellyfin has *no license* aside from a few files under MIT expat and the copy of the GPLv2 was only included to trick people into thinking it is free software.
It does matter when the compiler is proprietary or you require proprietary dependencies to compile it, which is the case with every modern C# program.
> The code itself is beholden to GPL
The source code is, the binaries can't be, given that you can't get a useful program because binaries are proprietary Jellyfin is, by design, proprietary.
So fucking what it's written in C#? The code itself is beholden to GPL, whether you like the language or not. If you don't like MS use Mono, but either way the language (and status of compiler) doesn't mean the program isn't GPL/free software. That's heinous tbh
They need to get the licensing in order. They at least need an unambiguous statement in the README stating that; "Each file without a license header is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2 (or at your option) any later version."
@sally@HopperMCS@Yoruka@Zergling_man@meso@rher GNU still offers the latest version of the free DotGNU, but you have no hope getting anything to compile not specifically written for DotGNU.
The GPLv2 does have exceptions that allow for free software even written in proprietary languages, but there could be some issue with C# when it comes to the library bindings - I'm not sure if the GPLv2's system library exception would apply to those bindings if they are proprietary.
Doesn't matter, it's C# shitware, it can't comply with GPL by design, specially since GNU gave up on offering a free compiler, plus the patent degeneracy.
Ideally you would have a free FGPA design, get that fabbed and then run whatever free designs on that as software.
The only current line of FGPAs that I'm aware of are fully programmable in freedom is the ICE40 line, too bad no model has enough logic gates for a really complicated hardware design.
@Suiseiseki@Zergling_man@rher@HopperMCS The article on hardware misses acknowledging the existence of dynamic FPGA programming/reprogramming/reconfiguration which has some interesting possibilities.