@p@yockeypuck It's weird, isn't it? I remember seeing that suddenly everywhere, and wondering where the hell it came from. There were posters and lampost stickers in town.
For sure there's a parallel with Ukraine, where suddenly everyone cares about something you have a deep suspicion they have no actual concern about.
The internet definitely broke people's calibration for cause celebre nonsense.
> For sure there's a parallel with Ukraine, where suddenly everyone cares about something you have a deep suspicion they have no actual concern about.
The 2014 one, nobody gave a damn. I was still on Twitter, I was incredulous that it wasn't even in the news when it started, then later "Oh, Putin wants to annex Crimea." But this time, suddenly Ukraine is our greatest ally. I don't think anything changed; I didn't notice anything different, Ukraine and Russia both seem to still be in the same place they were last time, but this time, everyone cares so much, it's all over the news hurricane relief is worth less money than Ukraine.
> The internet definitely broke people's calibration for cause celebre nonsense.
This was intentional. It's easier to run a mall than a marketplace, and if it's easier to run, it's easier for the government to call the guy that runs the mall and ask for a favor.
@Jonny@yockeypuck I couldn't find it last time I went looking but there was this speculation that the Facebook experiments on depression as a contagion were the same as the Kony 2012 operation.
They use all that collected data to do weird ass experiments on their users. Half the democrat party is a revolving door with meta so it's not even a theory. Its well known shennanigans
@ins0mniak@Jonny@p That's what gets me about all of the Cambridge Analytica handwringing. They used the service Facebook offers just like any other corporation, and no one stopped to think that maybe Facebook shouldn't do that, but instead decided it's only a problem when it benefits orange man.
@p@yockeypuck@Leyonhjelm When I saw all the pink pussy hats at the million woman march, I was like, “holy shit, there’s nothing organic about this.” They already had merch ready too go. IMG_5716.png
@ins0mniak@Jonny Yeah, I mean, you remember that article about Target knowing a girl was pregnant before she did and that would have been 2010 or 2011.
@Jonny@Leyonhjelm@yockeypuck Yeah, I don't remember because I don't follow celebrity news but I am kind of shocked that Johnny Depp apparently turned into a Mexican gangster in his years.
Man all those big box stores have 4k cameras now. Walmart for example has their own in house facial recognition program that can correlate your face, shopping habits etc with video of you checking out which then ties you to the card you used to pay which, is also sucking up your shit.
In other words they have a complete picture of your habits that then can be sold off to god knows where.
The can bust a shoplifter in Florida and ping them as soon as they walk into a store in Arizona or something.
> Man all those big box stores have 4k cameras now. Walmart for example has their own in house facial recognition program that can correlate your face, shopping habits etc with video of you checking out which then ties you to the card you used to pay which, is also sucking up your shit.
The occupy movement predated Kony 2012 by a year and was the start of a lot of people's political bandwagoneering and concern farming. But mass formation psychosis as a pattern of phenomenon (not by that name though) goes back millennia earlier to the rise of Christinanity at least. It mostly revolves around a "sacred victim" and builds from there based on populist butthurt and the surrounding propaganda campaign. Look at just about every event that gets people's attention and it's got some "poor <insert victim>" that people have to try and rescue by donating their money or other foolish behaviour.
> The occupy movement predated Kony 2012 by a year
Yeah, no one lost their shit when someone said "So they're getting stoned in the park because they hate banks?" And around that time, all the chronological timelines went away, data science jobs took off, everyone was hiring people that knew how to use Hadoop.
> But mass formation psychosis as a pattern of phenomenon (not by that name though) goes back millennia
Yeah, that's not the new thing. The new thing was the TV becoming a two-way device in the form of Mall Internet and the mass statistical approach to human behavior.
@Jonny@Leyonhjelm@yockeypuck I didn't watch those movies, but that looks like Johnny Depp, you know? That dude in that picture you posted, I thought it was Emilio Rivera for a minute.
@ins0mniak@Jonny Yeah; hilariously, they can't do it with the cell phone's attempts to ping a tower, as this would fall afoul of wiretapping laws, but the same doesn't apply to Bluetooth or Wireless Finternet.
Every time I think "This is it, this is the dystopia", things get more dystopian in a way that I should have expected.
Truth about the cell towers but then again there was a whole era in DC where I was finding a fuckton of stingrays. Heh. always by a foreign embassy or from the Arlington police.
Yeah we're in cyberpunk hell without all the fun music and cool neon.
I mean there's a reason why every bar and cofe shop looks the same now: they use fucking AI to create the decor right? Ass holes are going to use that shit for literally everything until the entire planet is strapped to a VR headset and eating gruel through a tube.
I remember when they told people in NYC that Radiohead was going to be headlining a protest at the bridge just so they could get people to walk across and jam up traffic in midtown.
The news all covered it as "a grassroots youth thing"
No one there knew what the fuck was up they just heard fucking Radiohead was there. Probably quite a shock to some of them when they ended up in lockup
That off the shelf surveillance stuff cops buy is scary. They have no idea how that shit works...neither do the prosecutors, the judges and your lawyer.
People have been busted by dipshit cops using tech they don't understand because to them it's "grunt grunt catches bad guy grunt"
Fucking ton of companies selling that shit at trade shows and whatnot. Off the shelf point and arrest level toys.
They never stop using them until they're forced to.
>All of the music in that game exists here, though!
They did a good job finding bedroom artists for that soundtrack.
This is precisely the argument I use when the dreaded mask mandate debate starts up. I've wanted to adopt the personal habit whilst in public spaces for a long time now because of the added anonymity against commercial quality facial recognition tech.
However, as I'm one of those nutjobs that never allows apps or unspoofed location services on my phone and always pays for things with cash, they're never going to take my advice.
> First thing that made it catch my attention was not being able to post a link to the wikipedia page for the Glass-Steagall Act during occupy.
Now *that's* interesting.
> (based on synthetic discourse I was seeing pop up everywhere suddenly)
Yeah, this is the only reason to ever look at the news.
Most problems go away if you look at them, but the San Francisco Data Cartel is unique in that ignoring them makes them disappear. So I get exasperated at people on fedi that can't shut up about what's going on on Twitter (we're free to discuss whatever and these people keep cross-posting the mass-broadcast shit they're getting from Twitter), but it is sometimes useful. McCombsShaw1972--agenda_setting.pdf
Yeah. The rising use of AI for social media based surveillance and censorship was something that started happening immediately during the occupy movement. I noticed it right away, and it got increasingly worse overnight after that. First thing that made it catch my attention was not being able to post a link to the wikipedia page for the Glass-Steagall Act during occupy. I kept warning people about it too, including about the coming plandemic (based on synthetic discourse I was seeing pop up everywhere suddenly), until social media became unusable by me and I deleted all my accounts (not withstanding fedi). Hail Cassandra!
@ins0mniak@Jonny@Doll@p@hazlin >Wigle Damn, I remember some guy I talked to used to use i3wm with default config that shows SSID in status bar, I sent him coordinates of his home and he stopped talking to me after that.
@Doll@Jonny@p@ins0mniak If you aren't masking your wifi/blutooth ids, then they are still tracking you. I've noticed that some of the supermarkets around here have placed wireless access points low over each of the isles.
I think it probably happens at traffic intersections as well.
@Doll@Jonny@p Yeah I;ve kind of given up on talking to normies about this. They just don't listen and if they do the just sort of stare at you with their mouths open.
I got in trouble at work once because someone was walking around taking pictures all "this is for our facebook page!"
Im like get that shit away from me, do you know what facebook does with image recognition and shit?
I hate to say it tho, even with a mask those cameras are sophisticated enough a lot of the time to get enough information to identify people. Big box stores are the worst. They are hard core with that stuff.
"What do you mean you didn't want HR to email your date and place of birth and list of pet's names and hobbies to everyone at the company? It's part of the onboarding process!"
@w0rm@Jonny@p Even with all the location shit turned off it still knows where you are, especially if it's pinging for wifi.
Even then like they have such a detailed record of literally everything people do down to the battery life on the phone as average per location they can just guess with a high probability as to where you are.
Agreed. You have to be conscious of even speaking in proximity to your own phone, it will pick up marketing keywords from your ambient conversations and you'll start suddenly getting ads for the things you happened to mention in passing.
It was just recently when everyone realized that the Administration was actively coordinating with them through the CISA and those sketchy liberal ngos to combat mis-information on said platforms.
Certainly it's a two way street when they want to push something out into the social media sphere.
I know the psyop thing is kind of overused but I don't know what else to call it.
Let a lone what the case of some massive special intrest group or corp would be able to pull with that kind of ability
Right? Also, your car is your strongest infosec enemy. Nissan even offers third party sales of info on it's drivers fucking sex lives. They're unwilling to disclose their methods, because people don't want to know that they're listening to your calls, reading your dating apps and texts, and verifying your gps location when you go out at 2am to smash your side piece.
All those new cars are basically info bubbles. Like it's not even your car. its a battery for the matrix. Forget about trynna fix the damn thing in your garage too.
@Doll@ins0mniak@Jonny@p >notifies your wife when you're in the backseat Lol. Also some cars, don't remember who, save your texts if you connect your phone, yet you can't delete them even if you want to sell your car...
> It wasn't the news I saw. It was a bunch of random FB groups and comment's sections
Yeah, I got that. I'm saying that seeing what they're going to push is the only reason to watch the news.
> Fwiw, I see a lot of the same troll farm style discourse on fedi too, but arguably a lot of this stuff only needs to be initially seeded by paid orgs,
Yeah, definitely. Some people just dismiss me if I call someone a bot or a German fed or something, but the EU is all over fedi and the German BMBF and BNF have taken it upon themselves to combat "right-wing extremists", they admitted to running troll farms and spying on foreign journalists, and finally, there's this paper where they're trying to figure out how to map fedi and lamenting that it's difficult to use NetzDG to take down PeerTube instances. the_hydra_on_the_web--challenges_associated_with_extremist_use_of_the_fediverse.pdf
> > (based on synthetic discourse I was seeing pop up everywhere suddenly) > Yeah, this is the only reason to ever look at the news.
It wasn't the news I saw. It was a bunch of random FB groups and comment's sections where suddenly armies of trolls were coming out to harass "antivaxxers". I noticed it and thought it was out of context and out of proportion, and pretty obviously the result of paid troll farms or AI generated (aka: reputation management). So I started doing some research into pharma tech (and came across mrna + hiv research, albeit without understanding the significance at the time), and after unpacking the argument realised they were straight up gaslighting people who wanted bodily autonomy by slandering them as tin foil hatters. That's when I told people in my network, and warned that big-pharma was probably sewing the ideological seeds for a plandemic in the next decade. Most people thought I was nuts. Assuming any of them remember, I wonder if they still do now...
Fwiw, I see a lot of the same troll farm style discourse on fedi too, but arguably a lot of this stuff only needs to be initially seeded by paid orgs, since most people are so radicalised to one extreme or another now that they'll organically jump on any bandwagon that's put in front of them as long as plays into their existing biases/fears.
@sullybiker@p@yockeypuck When kony popped off I started seeing banner hangs over a close by freeway exit in my neighborhood. Found it weird, then the same people were doing banner hangs for every dumb cause. The "save our girls" thing was when I finally decided to park somewhere and ask people what their deal is. It was just incoherent babbling. They didn't like me pointing out they're not making any sense. Got upset when I said that their dumb shit is effectively stochastic war mongering.
@internetfreak@p@yockeypuck There is, to this day, a large Ukrainian flag a few doors down from me. A former infantryman, who has, as far as I can determine, zero connection to the conflict. He hasn't explained it, and I haven't asked because, well, you know how it goes.
> ...seeing what they're going to push is the only reason to watch the news.
Definitely. Also why I keep track of pop culture stuff like whatever latest thing is coming from Hollywood, streaming BS, etc. Most of it is a thinly veiled psyop.
A lot of my issues on earlier mainstream platforms had to do with contradicting psyops stemming from MSM accounts. It got to the point where I couldn't even have a conversation with friends on their own timeline, nor even respond to direct questions, because my messages would just get auto-deleted (from public viewing) by AI.
> ...they admitted to running troll farms and spying on foreign journalists, and finally, there's this paper where they're trying to figure out how to map fedi...
No doubt! They'd be fools not to. It's a foregone conclusion. Gotta look at all these tech's from a military SIGINT perspective to understand what's going on. Personally I'd like to see folks migrate to something like SimpleX or that ilk since it's probably just a matter of time before fedi becomes just as bad as mainstream social media was several years ago to present. I'm a bit torn about ditching my fedi accounts, but it seems like it's probably just a matter of time before I do so for the sake of my own privacy and not having it show up on the inevitable social credit score (once my fedi gets correlated with govt ID by some AI).
Interesting pdf's btw. All getting archived for future reference.
> It got to the point where I couldn't even have a conversation with friends on their own timeline,
Yeah, that was the reason I joined Twitter to begin with: my friends were using it, I could just put the stuff on there that I had been setting as my away message on IM stuff.
> No doubt! They'd be fools not to.
Well, I don't think they need to figure out how to censor "vaccine misinformation".
> since it's probably just a matter of time before fedi becomes just as bad as mainstream social media
That actually can't be done and I will ensure that it doesn't happen here, at least.
For one thing, there is no central control of fedi, so it is nearly impossible to censor something completely and it is there is no central control, no director of communications for a government official to call up. It's getting more resilient: I'm solving the hosting/mod/censorship bottleneck. It is plausible that Tor (which Pleroma and Revolver and Mitra support, bloat supports it, probably most standalone frontends can be made to support it, FSE's also visible at https://r4mptqlnfifktmufdx2ru5tas7uqboy4absuxog6apqwh24elpnqsmqd.onion/ .) ends up being a solution to the DNS bottleneck. Detecting duplicate content is trivial with a CAS.
> Interesting pdf's btw. All getting archived for future reference.
> > No doubt! They'd be fools not to. > Well, I don't think they need to figure out how to censor "vaccine misinformation".
I mean from their perspective, not mine. It's like bioweapons, and nukes, space lasers, skynet/terminator bots, etc. From a military perspective, they're gonna do it. If they don't, then someone else will. No moral boundary or argument will prevent it. It's as certain and inevitable as death. Wringing hands and crying "But what about the children?!?" is a political media tactic used to manipulate the naive and gullible, and nothing more. It's like rules of the internet. There will be porn of it. Except in this case, if it can be used to control and/or kill people, there will 100% be moar of it.
> > since it's probably just a matter of time before fedi becomes just as bad as mainstream social media > That actually can't be done and I will ensure that it doesn't happen here, at least.
Censorship yes, to some extent (notwithstanding enshitifications like fediblock). But the big-tech/state surveillance (ie. anonymity and privacy issues) aren't likely to be solvable on fedi. Also AI/LLM generated content. It's not the right tool for that job. Feel free to prove me wrong though. I'd welcome that.