In 30 years in tech, I've had one single employer send me to one single training course because I named it as a condition of my employment and subsequently badgered them for a year until they relented.
I've never had any employer offer any type of training, education, certification, professional development, or anything of the sort. I've had most employers pigeonhole me into a specific job for years at a stretch and never offer advancement (and rarely even a cost-of-living raise) or an opportunity to gain experience through promotion or even a lateral move.
All of my certifications and training have come at my time and expense. All of my increased earnings have come from grinding through the interview and hiring process yet another time. I know I don't come off well on social media, but please believe me, in person I'm an intelligent, responsible, qualified adult man with three decades' experience and literally 10 pages of accomplishments to my resume, and it gets sent to the same HR black hole as anyone else.
As I get older, over 50, I dread what may become of my career in tech. Things are going well for me now, but can easily turn bad. To read anyone telling me that Americans lack motivation and talent is infuriating as I, and others, desperately attempt to get the attention of companies hiring for jobs we're very clearly qualified for and are purposely ignored, told we don't exist, and need to be replaced with street shitters.
I know what the billionaires' goals are, I understand the situation. I also know that the longer it continues, the less any man is invested in the American economic zone. What I don't know is how this ends.
Hi. You are not alone. I've been kicking around an idea whose time may have come, for some years now.
What about an emergent IT company where all the C-levels are Old Crusty Mean Guys Who Know Things, and who hire on merit, don't take any federal or state leashes - er, sorry, aid or grants, and actually train their employees?...
I'm down for a White male-lead IT services company, all-in. I previously was one of the owners of an IT services company for a decade, and our biggest problem wasn't attracting technical talent, especially White males. Getting tech things done and done right was never an issue. The biggest hurdle we faced was finding sales talent. In 10 years we never had anyone who could effectively sell our services.
IT service companies can't survive on a customer base of small to medium businesses. Those customers expect the world for $7.95 a month and are slow to pay, and sometimes don't pay at all. They're break-even at best. Also, you're always being compared to bigger service companies that can usually do more with less because they can do volume business with small to medium businesses, because they have large contracts to back that up.
And that was our core issue, we struggled because we didn't have the connections and clout to land a competent sales guy who had the connections and clout to land us large contracts. This meant we were shifting focus and priorities as needed to keep things afloat, which in turn created confusion among customers and even employees about what exactly we did.
In the middle of last year my business partners decided once again they wanted to shift focus to something I wasn't interested in, so I sold my share. Exactly one month later I landed a job doing Linux server stuff making 2.5x my previous self-employed salary.
So, if you want to start an IT services business, you have to base it around someone's sales capabilities. Until you have that, you don't really have a business.
jews need White labor. they need to extract wealth from us in order to project force. Ergo they can reduce our numbers pretty far, but not all the way.
Maybe. I like my scenario of an imminent cataclysmic civilizational collapse event and subsequent restart a lot better though. It's just more hopeful. Gives White people an actual chance of survival and restoration of their homelands. And a way to escape the JWO.
What you describe is an endless slide into a dystopian hellworld without chance for salvation or escape. The Brazilification of the entire world. With White people being reduced to small enclaves in a roiling sea of endless brown shitpeople, administered by jew created and controlled AI. And i find the current state of things already insufferable and horrific enough. And i want it to end. No matter how.
But we'll see who is right soon enough. The next few years are gonna be increasingly horrible and eventually, something's gotta give. But i guarantee you one thing: this time next year, the world is gonna look very different in ways we can barely even imagine yet.
And maybe we all won't even be here anymore.
Anyway, good luck with your plans. Everyone needs to keep themself busy somehow to keep the existential dread at bay.
I can tell you how this ends. In about 4 years. Permanently. For everyone. No more internet, no more computers, no more tech stuff. Just 18th century pre-industrial level survival of a vastly reduced global population. This digital age is about to come to a grim end as higher powers push the reset button on this fallen civilization gone awry. And before that comes a global economic depression/collapse that'll make the one of 100 years ago look like a relaxed walk in the park in comparison. WW3 is already in full swing btw, in case you haven't noticed. It'll go hot and nuclear eventually. Trump will not be a peaced candidate and likely not survive to the end of his term.
And quite frankly, that's the best possible outcome. Because you don't really wanna live in the world that would come to be if things just continued as they are now for another decade or two. Because uncle Ted was right!
Go and try to build a career/business all you like. But it'll all come to naught soon either way. Even the super rich will lose everything. If i were you, I'd rather polish up my survival and handicrafts skills. Without reliance on modern gear and power tools.
The most valuable posession you could have is a reliable group/community of capable people you can call upon in times of need when SHTF. Focus on that before all else if you don't have it already. Although survival of what's coming will be more a question of pure luck and location.
I disagree with almost all of this. I don't poast about the subject much because I got sick of being accused of being a blackpiller, but I think we're in for a long, slow slide into third-worldism. Things will slowly get worse and everyone will adapt to it because the alternative is much worse. As someone famously wrote, men will suffer evils as long as they are sufferable. There won't be a collapse or a flashpoint.
The lights will stay on, the water will continue to run, things will be kept just good enough, and the people who remember something better will slowly die off and take the world they knew with them. (I'm near the tail end of that demographic and I'm already 50.) Young people won't know of such a time and third world hell will just be normal to them. And you have to consider some large contingent of Whites who want this multicultural, multiracial hell. Want it. Suppressing or removing them will take a multi-decade effort nobody has the stomach for.
I truly believe we're on the cusp of a new dark age.
Yes, I'm all too aware of that. Also, in addition to the other reasons why my resume is ignored that we all know, I'm certain they see the length of my career and understand that I'm not susceptible to their bullshit games, that I want paid for my skills, and that I probably have a low bullshit tolerance threshold. First and foremost, they want cheap and manipulable, and I'm not it.