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- Embed this noticeI can tell you how this ends. In about 4 years. Permanently. For everyone.
No more internet, no more computers, no more tech stuff. Just 18th century pre-industrial level survival of a vastly reduced global population.
This digital age is about to come to a grim end as higher powers push the reset button on this fallen civilization gone awry.
And before that comes a global economic depression/collapse that'll make the one of 100 years ago look like a relaxed walk in the park in comparison.
WW3 is already in full swing btw, in case you haven't noticed. It'll go hot and nuclear eventually. Trump will not be a peaced candidate and likely not survive to the end of his term.
And quite frankly, that's the best possible outcome. Because you don't really wanna live in the world that would come to be if things just continued as they are now for another decade or two. Because uncle Ted was right!
Go and try to build a career/business all you like. But it'll all come to naught soon either way. Even the super rich will lose everything.
If i were you, I'd rather polish up my survival and handicrafts skills. Without reliance on modern gear and power tools.
The most valuable posession you could have is a reliable group/community of capable people you can call upon in times of need when SHTF. Focus on that before all else if you don't have it already. Although survival of what's coming will be more a question of pure luck and location.