I disagree with almost all of this. I don't poast about the subject much because I got sick of being accused of being a blackpiller, but I think we're in for a long, slow slide into third-worldism. Things will slowly get worse and everyone will adapt to it because the alternative is much worse. As someone famously wrote, men will suffer evils as long as they are sufferable. There won't be a collapse or a flashpoint.
The lights will stay on, the water will continue to run, things will be kept just good enough, and the people who remember something better will slowly die off and take the world they knew with them. (I'm near the tail end of that demographic and I'm already 50.) Young people won't know of such a time and third world hell will just be normal to them. And you have to consider some large contingent of Whites who want this multicultural, multiracial hell. Want it. Suppressing or removing them will take a multi-decade effort nobody has the stomach for.
I truly believe we're on the cusp of a new dark age.