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- Embed this noticeMaybe. I like my scenario of an imminent cataclysmic civilizational collapse event and subsequent restart a lot better though. It's just more hopeful. Gives White people an actual chance of survival and restoration of their homelands. And a way to escape the JWO.
What you describe is an endless slide into a dystopian hellworld without chance for salvation or escape. The Brazilification of the entire world. With White people being reduced to small enclaves in a roiling sea of endless brown shitpeople, administered by jew created and controlled AI.
And i find the current state of things already insufferable and horrific enough. And i want it to end. No matter how.
But we'll see who is right soon enough. The next few years are gonna be increasingly horrible and eventually, something's gotta give.
But i guarantee you one thing: this time next year, the world is gonna look very different in ways we can barely even imagine yet.
And maybe we all won't even be here anymore.
Anyway, good luck with your plans. Everyone needs to keep themself busy somehow to keep the existential dread at bay.