@sun Maybe you could learn from this really smart guy? (Whose experience matches mine, even though I'm not as smart; in fact I enjoy being the dumbest person in the room) @mattblaze
I don't have joy at anyone's death; but I wish there were a better way of expressing my feelings that it's nice to no longer have that person making things worse for society (I care more about what they've done recently, such as blocking a public option for health insurance).
True respect and the usual platitudes are, unfortunately, indistinguishable. :(
@lauren I have friends whose political views I strongly disagree with but we get along fine because they're not trying to *implement* those views - and we can have fun debating over a beer and then move on to other topics.
Politicians (such as Al Gore) can get along fine with other politicians they disagree with because they operate in a world of "win some, lose some" and often have to compromise a lot to get anything done, on the theory that half a loaf is better than none; and - with the costs of electioneering in this country - that often means a lot of compromise of principles. But I have to live with the consequences of all those compromises, so my opinion of a politician is legitimately very different from Al Gore's.
For any given politician, it's hard to tell how much they're compromising in order to get enough donations to get re-elected - and whether they're doing this because if they don't get elected, the alternative is far worse. Yes, I'm being cynical^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hrealistic.
@siderea@rachelnabors In data modeling, there's often an "impedance mismatch" between the data design and the the various uses of the data, and an application needs to deal with that -- I've seen far too many apps that expose the structure of the data model, to the immense confusion of the users. No configuration language (of which CSS is an example) - which is just a fancy way of specifying parameters - is going to handle that kind of mapping between semantics and appearance. Modulating the appearance based on other constraints (such as your example of window size) is an additional mapping for which configurations will only be partially successful.
Retired from software {Google, Yahoo, start-ups, IBM, BNR}; sometime bicyclist, sailor, & non-gardener; easily amused by PL design and type inferencing.Los Altos, California (previously Tokyo, Osaka, Toronto, Ottawa, Victoria, Vancouver)