Yes, the embedded PeerTube player checks the channel for the Boostagram split information. if it finds split information and the browser has WebLN it addss the boost the player.
Mastodon direct support of lightning payments doesn't seem likely, Soapbox is the next most likely Activity Pub software to enable Lightning support
#PeerTube with the lightning plug-in has this capability. Channel owners can configure splits for their channel, and viewers on PeerTube with a WebLN capable browsers can stream Sats or send boostagrams.
When viewing PeerTube videos on a Mastodon timeline, if WebLN is detected and a split is configured, there will be a lightning icon you can click to send a boostagram from the timeline.
Curious, the deleted post doesn't show up in the thread on PeerTube, Mastodon, or Soapbox. It does still appear on the thread on Podverse and Podcastindex
open source developer since CP/M BBS days. currently working on peertube plugins lightning network integration to allow V4V monetization. telegram bot to allow authorization and notifications