@chu@skinnylatte the acidity is mostly to do with the fermentation temperature. Tell your friend to try a warmer, faster ferment maybe with a more liquid starter and see if that helps. But also, cultures change over time depending on what you feed them and the influence of your ambient bugs, so it may actually be different at this point.
"The passion with which native intellectuals defend the existence of their national culture may be a source of amazement; but those who condemn this exaggerated passion are strangely apt to forget that their own psyche and their own selves are conveniently sheltered behind a French or German culture which has given full proof of its existence and which is uncontested.”
"The very best thing to keep the web partly alive is to maintain some content yourself - start a blog, join a forum and contribute to the conversation, even podcast if that is your thing. But that takes a lot of time and not everyone has the energy or the knowhow to create like this.
The second best thing to do is to show your support for pages you enjoy by being nice and making a slight effort. There are different levels of Niceness but roughly from least to most effort:
- Liking or upvoting a URL on a forum or social media that someone else posted. - Commenting on a URL somebody else posted saying how much you enjoyed the content. - Posting a URL on social media/discord server yourself, suggesting that others might also like to read it. - Dropping a quick note of appreciation to the author via email or DM. - Actually paying money for the content via Patreon, etc. "
Everything we do from here is worthwhile. It counts, it makes a difference. No matter what damage has been done, we can still make things better than if we had done nothing. We can still look after the world, look after our friends and family. Action has results.
@runoutgroover I loved reading this book. Even while I suspect it has a polemic aspect I don't get as an amateur reader, it's a *different* Just So story to current Just So stories.
Hi I have some questions about your privacy policy. In 3.e you say you use personal information for advertising. As you must surely know, online advertising is a privacy nightmare because of widespread use of tracking technology and abuses by companies domiciled in places with poor privacy practices. Technologies such as browser fingerprinting mean that even with adblockers and refusing cookies, it is impossible to stop identity matching by (eg) Google, Facebook, and even less ethical companies. Do you use 3rd party ad and tracking providers? If yes, then this is a deal-breaker for me in a medical service. My concern is particularly aroused by reading this provision in conjunction with s4.1.a, where you say you may disclose personal information to a related company who may use it for the same purposes. How do you define "related company?" I look forward to hearing how your service does or does not use 3rd party tracking and advertising services so I can make an informed decision. Thanks Stephen
I fixed the situation by installing Okular, which works fine with PDF forms (why isn't Okular just standard with distributions these days?) but really. This is just the shittiest way to implement a business process. Even a Google Form would be better (and there are many better options than that).
Of course the Teachers Council is not going to do better because they don't have the staff, the budget or the incentives. And so the assumption that you have a recent device with a recent Windows or MacOS and/or family and friends for tech support is just baked in. I hate it.
I am interested in things. Lots of things.I am not quite a gentleman but you would hardly notice it but it cant be helped anyhow. I'm the operator of this tiny service, a researcher, musician, capoeirista, wanna-be flâneur. If you want to know things about me, you can always ask. Meanwhile, why not read https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/TheYoungVisiters