Remember when you could just buy a newspaper for like $1 at a shop?
Imagine if you went to the newsagent and they were like “$25 please”
“Huh? That’s steep”
“Oh that gives you a month of access”
“I don’t want a month of access, i want a newspaper”
“We’ll also flyer your house every day”
“I don’t care, I just want a newspaper. Today’s newspaper”
“You also get access to our other newspapers in other towns”
“I don’t care, I want a newspaper for here, today”
“Oh it’s not just for today. It’s for a month. And three months after”
“Wait, what happens after that, is that it over?”
“LOL of course not. It’s $35 a month after that”
“What? Why?”
“Introductory offer. Also we’ll tell a bunch of other companies where you live and THEY’LL flyer you too”
“Know what, it’s fine, I don’t need a paper”
“I’ll send you a reminder in a week”
And they wonder why online news makes no money.