@Mundon@codeHaiku I've been interested in German as well. I'm currently learning Spanish as I live in the American South West, and Spanish is spoken all over the place here. Seems like it would be handy to know some. My great grandmother on my dad's side came to the United States from Germany, and never learned English. Even her daughter (my grandmother) always spoke English with a German accent. I'd like to become at least somewhat capable in Spanish before jumping to something new though.
I've been using Mastodon now for 7ish years, and it's safe to say that I'm a big fan. Today I was reading an article about the Fediverse on The Verge that was saying the Fediverse as it currently exists is just the beginning. I'd like think that's true. What are some other ways we could use ActivityPub and the Fediverse other than how we currently are? Not just a clone of an existing service, but something new!
I somehow missed the newest release of #PeerTube yesterday. v6 looks like it has some really cool new features that make using more proprietary platforms less and less necessary. I love seeing this!
This is an interesting development for former users of the Pebble platform. Good luck to @gabor with this new endeavor, and I hope he decides to stick around.
I don't want to be the parent that crushes my child's dreams, but there needs to be some understanding that "Gamer" isn't a viable long term career for the VAST majority of people.
Hm, today I have 4 hours of unscheduled time between 6:30 in the morning until 11:00 at night. I might be able to squeeze some food in there and wave at my kids in passing.
I know people complain about @Vivaldi being not fully open and being based on #Chromium, but you just can't beat #Vivaldi when it comes to features. I read a lot on the Internet, but sometimes I just don't have the time to do it right now. Vivaldi has an integrated #ReadingList which I can just add my current page to with relative ease. To make it easier, I created a #CommandChain to add the current tab to the Reading List and then close it. I put that chain on my toolbar with a custom icon.
@JoshStrobl He verbally attacked other people, some members of the Fosstodon community. I wasn't the one that limited the account, but I do believe that the fact that he is a FOSS advocate that's fairly well known is the reason the account wasn't just blocked entirely. The fact that he's a FOSS advocate doesn't give him a get out of jail free card.
@hyde Limited, which doesn't really silence an account. Anybody can still follow it. It just gives them a warning first and posts don't show up in public timelines. Since he's a remote user, that would only have been the federated timeline anyway. His posts still would have shown up in the Home feeds of any followers he had on Fosstodon.
Microsoft wants to stream your OS to you. Ignoring the whole "Microsoft" angle on this, I personally hate this idea. I miss the days when a computer was a standalone device that COULD connect to the Internet, but didn't have to. These days, so many things DEPEND on having that connection, and just flat out won't work without it. Maybe I'm a stodgy old guy, but can't we go back? I want my computer to with exactly the same online or offline.
@golemwire Me too. I think he's under a huge amount of pressure, and the recent p92 stuff dumped a lot on on him. Hopefully he actually takes some time away (but not too long!). I think we all need that occasionally.
@golemwire Yea, not sure what happened there. He went back and updated the original post too. I'm happy to see those tools will remain available, even if for only selfish reasons. I personally use Fedidb.org almost daily. It's a great help for moderation.
Just a heads up if you use either of these tools. I don't have any further information on this, so hopefully there will be a follow-up with further information.
I don't want to start a flame war here, and my knowledge of iOS is pretty limited. I know they've made a lot of changes to the UI regarding customizability lately. Stupidly simple question here:
Is it possible with the vanilla iOS to have a desktop with two icons, one in the upper left, one in the lower right, and nothing else? No widgets, not 3rd party apps. Just the icons and the vanilla OS.
Sometimes I think the hardest thing about using a computer is selecting text with a mouse without getting random garbage characters before and after what I ACTUALLY wanted.
@indie1337 Oooo, that looks like fun. I constantly have a boat load of tabs open, and I use stacks and windows and all sorts of things to organize them. Anything that helps corral the chaos is welcome!
Husband, father, nerd. Half human, half Fosstodon Admin. Tends to tell Dad Jokes.Don't feel obligated, but if you feel like buying me a coffee, I won't say no... :cupofcoffee: https://ko-fi.com/mikestone :cupofcoffee: