I have an idea. What if in #Mastodon, the way you quote-post (a la "quote tweet") is by replying to someone then boosting your own message. Works about the same, but requires a click to see the post being replied to.
It's possible that from where you come from, "gimp" is used as an insult. From where I'm from, it literally only means GNU Image Manipulation Program, or a way to K.O. in fighting games. Sorry if it happens to offend you, really, but Mastodon politics is a little unhinged so what do I expect....
@jackeric@0xDEADBEEF@ewerybody@kkavee@tankgrrl@crowbriarhexe@mjibrower@petrillic The acronym "GIMP" happens to coincide with the fringe/slang insult "gimp". That's it. They can change the name if they want, but there's no need as there's nothing about the GIMP software that insults disabled people. Do a web search for "gimp" and you'll find what "gimp" most likely means in real life!
@GIMP Thank you for all the hard work! I've been using GIMP for a while.
(Sorry about all the angry replies, I wish they'd be civil about how they disagree! Change the "offensive" name if you want, but keep up the good work with the actual software! <3)
Being a computer programmer can be philosophically interesting. I'm working very directly with math and logic, the very thing the universe seems to be built with. #philosophy#programming
@yth Oh, SID. I've been listening to music by Linus Åkesson, who uses SID a lot. His music is generally better than most of the chiptune I've listened to, though it still hurts my ears sometimes. https://open.spotify.com/artist/5pNzJPIgMhTzSq6kxpFaGc Some of his albums say something like "RESYNTHESIZED"-"with alias-free oscillators", so maybe he played the music data through something without the soothing filter you're speaking of?
Explainer: https://linusakesson.net/scene/a-mind-is-born/ It was for a 4KiB C64 demo contest! One of the insane things about it is that it actually starts out as a BASIC program, and transitions into assembly. All in 256 bytes
Hello there!I boost a lot of posts, but I have a few things to say every now and then.I am largely fine with boosting posts from people I disagree with even on significant, dividing issues. I usually don't, however, if they actively advocate for these ideas... so it goes :/#Christian #coding #HaikuOS #Linux #privacy #FOSS #Fediverse #SmashBros #SSBU #LegendOfZelda#fedi22Note: social.librem.one doesn't support DMs