@Griffith I swear every time I see this image I think he's been photoshopped onto a minecraft sky backdrop because of the grey square on the left. It's been over a year since I've played minecraft please make the brainrot go away.
@MisterLister@confederatehobo actually that sounds like a hilarious idea. Someone should make a program that automatically reposts nuggers timeline onto a tumblr account and see how long it takes before he gets banned. he either lasts a single day or becomes a minor eceleb with mentally ill women
@MisterLister@confederatehobo lmao this poast reminds me of the weird tumblr reply chain shit my sister used to send me. It'd probably make numbers there if he didn't call it a nigger
@sickburnbro@PapaPole >no-one is GOING to do any of that maybe in faggotland america they won't do shit, but the Irish already have proved theyll do the sneedful to keep foreigners out.
Vooting will do about as good as thumb-sitting. Anyone fedposting is doing it because they're too afraid to actually make change.
European design philosophy makes sense when you realize it was designed to accommodate the absolute dumbest gorilla retard niggers on the planet.
Why do I need €1 coin to use a shopping cart? Because it hacks people who otherwise fail the self governance test. Why must I buy plastic grocery bags, or keep the cap on a water bottle? Because the populous cannot control themselves from throwing garbage on the ground, so they make acquiring and dividing litter costly to the consumer.
America did not need such unnecessary rules because we were a more conscientious race until recently. The only reason we haven't seen the negative affects of our lack of rules is because we're a massive continent spanning empire
@sickburnbro@DMA I don't know what to make of him tbh. He seems to very occasionally scoop into our side of the fence yet his entire career hinges on being controlled opposition. Naming john money to the average normie was great, and this xeet is refreshing to see normalized, yet I can't help but observe with trepidation. I can't tell his end goal.
The moment he gets fired from shapiro's payroll I will support him. Any second less than that I will continue to think he's trying to rope me onto the GOP plantation.
@samjayganges@DC5FAN@sickburnbro This is very myopic thinking though. Yeah sure the cholos may go back to Mexico, but we have more than mexicans coming over our border, and it was impossible for them to be here without external help. Are the Cubans Hatians and Jamaicans just going to swim back across the sea? Are the jeets going to buy plane tickets back to shitland? You're delusional.
You also need to understand that they will only leave once things get worse than it would be back home. If the pain of action exceeds the pain of inaction, they will stay. To many of these people, that means theyre staying until there are no more White people, or until we collectively make it more painful to stay than to leave. That won't happen naturally.
@nugger@0@LouisConde@weaf consolation prize is that if you're the one car repair shop you're never hunting for work or money not even a hypothetical anymore, if you have a kid and teach him a craft he'll be fine, because there's not going to be any competition.
@nugger@0@LouisConde@weaf I'm more afraid that our guys are too despondent to learn skills. Even if we had martial law and nationwide hot war, we'd still be competing with scab labor because they're the competition, and a bad job done is better than no job done
@nugger@0@LouisConde@weaf Low time preference turns out to be just as exploitable as high time preference, and the whole thing comes down as people realize it
Nogs loan out rims at 24% because they don't care about future nog self. Whitey works 9-5 for 40 years because someone told him once that he'd live the good life (they are both slaves)
So what's a man to do? Lots of guys just don't do anything at that point for fear of being taken advantage of.
@sapphire@0@LouisConde@nugger@weaf In a more cohesive environment, the issue is one of framing. I help my family out for nothing, and they even expect me to help out for nothing. Are they taking advantage of me, or do I love them? Viewing everything transactionally only works in a cold vacuum of business.
The problem is that we're surrounded by those who are incapable of love, or that we ourselves are unable to love or be loved. Change who you associate with, and that comes back.