The best thing about reading a lot is that I don’t remember some of even good, great books beyond a decade _that_ much, so I get to reread them after 7-10 years.
I mean I remember they were great, and get to discover _why_ from scratch.
I think I’ve not just left Twitter behind (years ago), but also the _idea_ of twitter.
The following of world events from a commentator point of view, the viral rage or despair or funny cycles, the sniping.
This is also why the vibe on Bluesky feels off for me - I have no interest in getting back to this type of network, especially not one in the hand of venture capital based in the US.
So I’ve had a very long experience dealing with something similar as I’m originally from Hungary and watched that country exist in autocracy for 14 years.
My advice: if you’re not in the US - tune it out.
You are not a low-information person, since you’re reading this here.
You know the general direction of things, no need to beat yourself up on a daily basis about all the atrocities. It will help no one.
Only, Orban was more strategic than Trump, he did not want a quick win.
He deliberately crafted his strategy to keep the discredited PM in power for four more years, so that in the end in 2010 he could - and did - take power with a very large majority.
Oh, and also his election message before 2010 was a “blank cheque”. No manifesto of promises, nothing beyond “trust us”.
Do not confuse any potential 2nd Trump term with his first one.
@GossiTheDog Crowdstrike / SOC managing Crowdstrike is saying that there is no possibility to pause these type of updates (we asked). “It would not have prevented this incident.”
@jalefkowit in retrospect i’m not sure what the alternate universe with President Al Gore would have looked like, probably a 1 term president with then McCain next
People like to call Obama centrist these days but he was an adult feeling real responsibility for a wide range of topics
Assuming that people have deployed eg HAProxy, there are like a dozen different timeout options that you can specify to deal with edge cases.
When you have enough clients those edge cases start to matter quite a lot.
So assuming you’ve configured all those timeouts in HAProxy, are you safe?
No. What HAProxy docs do not sufficiently emphasize is that you need to set a bunch of kernel/tcp level settings as well in order for HAProxy to behave reasonably.
@fulelo or as they say it regarding the war, “the russian spacecraft successfully intercepted the Moon and prevented it from reaching its operational objectives”