@The_Killah29@Turkleton I've come to appreciate Turkelton's hatred of Russia as a remindr that yes we are in still in the time line that sucks. Treat the Russia hate boner poasts as artistic (not autistic) bait. He is built different unable to change his mind on the topic.
@Turkleton@The_Killah29 Oh dude you don't need to tell me twice. I ran into a thread and felt like trying to save the guy some time in arguing with you. With your position established what would you prefer the outcome be? Asking out of genuine curiosity not as some kind of dick head internet gotcha. What would Turkelton like to see happen to the region?
@sickburnbro Nothing to do with that candian kid martin, try laying off the retard gas dude. You wanna talk about okeffe's grift then start another thread... you're still on the hook for martin's receipts for improving things for white people .0003% or whatever piss ant nothing you're willing to peddle to vulnerable people as "winning" faggot
oh this is an okeffe thread I got shit mixed up too late I posted it and too late to delete it
Allow me to rehprase: will this cause state farm to change it's policies?
@sullybiker@p@yockeypuck When kony popped off I started seeing banner hangs over a close by freeway exit in my neighborhood. Found it weird, then the same people were doing banner hangs for every dumb cause. The "save our girls" thing was when I finally decided to park somewhere and ask people what their deal is. It was just incoherent babbling. They didn't like me pointing out they're not making any sense. Got upset when I said that their dumb shit is effectively stochastic war mongering.
From the link "When this concerns a black person, it is always an insult. They point it out to you in a very unpleasant way, to make you feel ashamed. While you can tell that, this same person that tells you that you have a bad body odor, has it too and doesn’t shower."
@Squadalah_Man@BowsacNoodle But that's just your white privilege... Sheeeiiit buying deodorant instead of malt liquor? Fuckin whitey keeping a bruthah down!