Notices by greenshoots (
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@BowsacNoodle Good Morning! ☕ 🥞
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@BowsacNoodle Good Morning! ☕ 🥞
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@BowsacNoodle Good Morning! ☕ 🥞
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS 🍻 Happy year of the snake to you man!
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@deprecated_ii Apologies for the long post.
What if it was a " i % 2 != 0 " inside the if statement? Would that have been ok? That way you'd only need one avaluation structure to fetch the odd numbers from the array.
Unless the library already has a built in function to do this like an "array.nOdd(i)" that could be assigned to a new array.
What would've been your answer to clean up this code? I don't know how to code, but I would like learn about this stuff from the opinion of people that do know.
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@Nudhul @IAMAL_PHARIUS Probably pension funds, thinking that meta is a "safe" investment. Similar to how people thought the Lehman Brothers was a safe investment in 2008, after all they were too big to fail.
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@BowsacNoodle Good Morning!☕ 🥞
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@kanimiso @IAMAL_PHARIUS I don't, I wish no one in Asia or Australia had to suffer the consequences of jewish political control. I don't want to see either White Australians or Asians suffer the realities of war.
Call me weak if you like, but I would prefer if we could deal with this problem, that is the rot that jews bring with them, without further bloodshed.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS Sorry man, I didn't know the specifics of your festival. Still, bless you.
Also, you know better than anyone that elections are just for show, and that democracy isn't real. And I'm not saying for you to show mercy to tech niggers that sold their soul to nvidia, I'm talking about the actual poor, people that can't leave because they wouldn't have the money to.
And in regard to Ukraine, it's a very sad situation, a brothers war instigated by jews and their Washington D.C. golem. Again, I'm not sayin to leave them alone. I very much expect Russia will have its hands full dealing with gaydio opposition planted there, and while the zog government in Ukraine should be destroyed, that shouldn't mean that non-hostile civilians should be killed, only those who actually harmed Russian interest (which in fairness does include a lot of people from the cities, but not the average worker or peasant there).
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS I agree that this is true of the political and managerial classes there, but what about the peasants and workers that had no choice but to either comply or starve?
I would argue in favor of re-educating them, those that aren't hopelessly degenerate anyway.
Anyway, I hope you had a good Lunar New Year man 🍻
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@blaaablaaaa Seeing my aunt die of lung cancer made me have a very negative view of smoking in general.
As those adds showing cool people smoking did unimaginable damage to society, and many of those actors from the 70s and 80s ciggar adds started dying off when I was a kid.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS LMAO 🤣 imagine the reaction of the taipei niggers when they realise that zog is planning to abandon them
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS It's a that shame something so cute is also so deadly.
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@SuperSnekFriend @sickburnbro There was a good reason why the church sent a very specific type of woman to the nun convents. And none liked being near them for very long.
The same was also true for some of the monastic orders as well.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS 100 dollar eggs by 2027
Also, debt limits are for all intents and purposes already a defunct legal concept in America, so the debt issuance will continue until the banks all burn to the ground.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS They'll just print the money, as usual. Ultimately, the average joe will be forced to pay the bill.
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@BowsacNoodle Good Morning Noodle! ☕ 🥞 Sorry to hear you had trouble sleeping, have good rest today if you can friend.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS @leespringfield1903 Well, there certainly are plenty of suspicious fires. You may get news of running gun fights along the interstates soon I reckon.
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@leespringfield1903 @IAMAL_PHARIUS True, but I would like to add that, should there be another civil war in the US, there is a possibility that the conflict would degenerate into a Syria type of situation, that is, the main belligerents losing control of their respective coalitions and it becoming a brawl between God knows how many splinter factions, plus foreign intervention, terrorist groups and revolutionaries taking advantage of the chaos.
I'm basing this assumption on the growing apparent difficulty that both the old guards of the kosher Left and the kosher Right in America are having in controlling their respective supporters. As well as projecting what happened in the early 20th century China as a potential guide for what could happen in America in this century.
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@IAMAL_PHARIUS Thank you for the reply man, I appreciate having your opinion friend.
It now seams that the best thing that could happen to Americans is someone pulling a Cesar on the federal government.
Which feels like a very farfetched idea at this point.
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