But they were fined for the administrative infraction and there's nothing to say that future subscriptions by the same individuals wouldn't have increased fines up to the total of €5,000.
The Left's failure had nothing to do with this election, what passes for the Left in the USA anyway. The Left were irrelevant.
The Stupidity of Crowds is as likely as its intelligence but if its news and cultural media only feed it pap and poor fiction it's not stupidity but choosing what seems less worse to them.
All voters, whether educated or not, regardless of which shard of the species they flock with voted with the same motive.
What about repeat postings to keep a video up which would expose the platform to those sticky costs and work against that rational aim?
It would be annoying in all sorts of ways to have to provide a direct way for a user to fund that and it might give rise to unwanted behaviour where some entity can buy storage and delivery in ways that the regular user can't.
Otherwise limited lifetime seems a positive feature.
As that becomes a review of how clustered are any assets it rapidly becomes clear that though the magnitude of disaster can be different the number that could clear anybody out is much smaller than they think.
As an aside, it's worth, I think, following the whole channel @dot_social which has a number of interviews with some of the sparkling lights of the Federated cosmos.
And following directly demonstrates exactly the point of a Federated network across platforms and users.
Pain over memory. Do you have to take something like Omeprazole to handle digestive side effects? I'm not supposed to take NSAIDs but I cheat occasionally.
If it means nurses don't need three jobs to maintain their life, one of which may well be health care, then it may well have benefits. From consultants as a resource it's going to have to come down to NHS work taking priority over elective private work.
That doesn't necessarily mean overtime in the understood sense of most people.
Resource management is one of the many sins of the NHS.
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A left-angled trapezoid on the graph of political philosophies, apply me no labels.Other descriptions might include an Architect at Large, occasionally writing complete fiction but mostly working on zettel.ioSome interests, obsessions.#history, #archaeology, #literature, #genrefiction, #constitution, #politics, #ethics, #technology, #systemsarchitecture, #engmgmt, #scalability, #platformengineering, #zettelKastenEarly #cixen early #TennerAMonthtfr