@PinochetsCommieCopter@sickburnbro just doesn’t look real to me. there's insane people out there, but it’s hard to believe that this man just killed and decapitated his father to give some political speech online that perfectly fits into the establishment’s narrative about conservatives being crazed “domestic terrorists.”
@teknomunk@SuperSnekFriend what people have forgotten is that Rule of Law is not the default state of human relations; violence is.
the Rule of Law is a compromise whereby both parties eschew violence in favor of Law.
ergo, when one party repeatedly eschews the Law then violence is back on the table until they remember WHY we respect the Rule of Law. it's because the alternative is violence.
hence it follows from this that the abused party must return to violent solution in such circumstances or they are telegraphing that they prefer unlimited abuse over returning to violence.
so basically they get what they deserve and they are being treated the way they have taught their abusers to treat them.
turn the other cheek, walk the extra mile. but we have only 2 cheeks, and it is ONE extra mile. then Old Testament solutions apply.
@LouisConde this dovetails with an idea i've long had, that there are no such thing as side effects (for example in pharmacological substances or geopolitical strategy), there are only effects whether intended or even known. thank you friend.
@sickburnbro@WoodshopHandman@nugger@poastoak the rot is sufficiently deep that nothing short of razing it all to the foundation to begin anew will suffice, and the rot wants to kill us or see us addicted broke despairing. the rot is in the walls its in the people its in everything but the concrete foundation the rot is even in the rot.
if we must begin again, and i see nothing indicating otherwise, then let's bloody get on with it.
so what does that look like? well it looks alot like pictured below. picture the Townsends youtube channel but there's no permanent dwellings you just know how to do things and who to trust (your bros). there is no getting ahead in any way in this society because the foundation of society is that the male gang can get women and thereby start a family. well guess what White male gangs and Biblical marriage has been outlawed! the enemy managed it they really fucking managed to do it with the complicity of our elders and other traitor Whites, they sold us out before we were even born and it is. fucking. over.
so get fit and get knowledgeable about how to make fire forage hunt and make war + learn to identify men you can trust. only the traditional Aryan comitatus with faith in God can save you now friends.
@sickburnbro@RadixVerum@PodunkPotato yes that's what i mean; it's not different to the system and they're demonstrating an ignorance of the Whitmer Hoax or an inability to see what they're doing from the perspective of the system that will inevitably railroad their behavior because it simply can't tolerate it no matter the reasons or legality.